In The End Were All Enemy's.

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Once we were all changed into our uniforms the train started to grow more deeper into the country side, crossing hills and bridges until it finally came to a sudden stop.                                                    The hallways in the Hogwarts train were completly flooded by the time all the seven of us came out of the compartment, the buzzing noises of excited students as we tried to climb out of the Hogwarts train. The sky is soon fading dark and stars begin to apeer, as well as the station lanterns lighting up automaticly.

I feel Havishna coil tight around my neck pointing forward at the extreamly large figure up ahead, his hair was a dark mangled wire that had just begun to grey a little, his face rounded with a sqaushed nose and small beady black eyes like a beatle.                                                                                    “Gather roun every un, firs year und tranfer com wit me und the rest of ye go to the horse carrige.” Says the booming voice of the giant.                                                                                                                    “You two better follow Hagrid,” Says Scorpious to Aconite and myself “I’ll see you both in the grand hall.”

As we go I also see Albus pass a small wave at me, which for some reason I instantly reply. As the both of us follow Hagrid down to the waters we feel rather silly actually, first there’s all this little cubby cheeked first years and then us....the towering older transfer students. “So what do we do?” Ask Aconite “Do we just do something like taping a wand at a bowl again.”                                                         “No, the sorting hat places you by your personality and what would agree with you most.” I reply, and I laugh as I hear her in confusion question why it’s a hat “Hats arn’t alive.” She says.

As we finally reach the boats we shakily board them, since there only designed to carry the tiny first years. When everyone is seated the giant Hagrid waves his arms and the boats begin to glide along the glassy water, with moon high above it’s radiant light flickered on the waters surface.                         And suddenly there it was, up in the distance was Hogwarts. The shades of it’s walls you could only see a fraction of because it was so dark, it’s dozens of windows glowed gold from the distance and it’s sharp pointed roofs look liked the tips could rip the night sky as if paper.

Once they reached the other side the boats tied themselves up to the docks and Hagrid escorted them all only as far up as the front door, inside led to a large white marble staircase and the ceiling was decorated with snakes, lions, ravens and badgers.                                   “Ooooohhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!” Shouted a loud and cheerful voice, every first year looked around until there eyes landed upon a silvery ghost zooming through the air “Lucky, lucky me I get to play with all the pippy first years!” He yells and opens his coat at a large length and from inside the pockets falls around twenty three water bombs.

At almost the same time Aconite and I scream out with our wands raised to the water “Imobulas!” and it all litrally froze just over the heads of the other children and begun to rise up as if without gravity, “Thankyou.” Said a voice, up ahead all the children turned to face a women with an old weary face wearing green robes and hat with her grey silver hair styled in a tight bun. “Peeve’s if I have to say one more time about the water bombs I’ll make sure your duties are performed along side the bloody baron!” She yelled in a stern powerful voice, and the jokical ghost Peeves dived away into the wall.

She turned to both of us a moment later “I’m full of gratatude that you two girls managed to save the first years, Peeves behavour only becomes more worse every following year. eight points to what ever house you are put into.” She said.                                                                                             “Speaking of houses,” She begun once again “through these doors you will be selected into your new houses, as if family you must treat each member with respect and strive to bring great things towards it. Study hard in your work, achieve through school and you shall be given points....but be caught sneaking out after lights out, rule breaking and violence will lose you house point. At the end of the year, the house with the most points shall recieve the house cup....Your houses know shall either become Godrick Gryfindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherine.”

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