Waking up in Beuaxbatons.

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Validet could feel something pointy shoving into her face.

"You've got to wake up, breakfast starts in three minutes."

Validet suddenly sprung up and realised Aconite was just about to poke her in the head a third time, Validet flipped the sheets off as she jumped out of bed and literally fell bum first onto the floor. "Acio uniform!" She shouted and her blue silky uniform was soon clutched in her hands.

As soon as they were ready they quickly ducked down the stairs, raced through Arazabith's statue door and continued to make speed untill they finally reached the dineing hall. As they reached the enterance they all made sure that they flatened there dresses and fixed tiny strands of there hair, quickly running to there tables the were glade no one had noticed there almost late arival.

"Gud mornin my pupils," Called out Madam Maxime, "Welcom to your first mornin, today's first time tables have been pinned up in the common rooms. Enjoy your dai."

As they all started eating at there bellefulie table of green many girls wanted to toutch and admire Validets snake, but most of the time Havishna just wanted to eat all the food....bitting at the toast and gulping down the cherry tomato's as if there were no tomorow. "Havishna not to much or you'll become sick." She whispered close down.

Once they had finished everything the plates were magicly cleared and cleaned infront of there eyes by the golden statue waiters, as they were all informed to go to the dorms and note down what subject's would come along during the day one of the statues began to tap Validet on the shoulder. "A letter for miss Riddle." It said handing over an envelope and once more freezing into position.

As she opened it she noticed the carved neat hand writing of her cousin Scorpius.

'Dearest Cousin,' it read.

'Hoping your feeling well, father was behind merlins beard when i told i was brought into Slytherin....even though he knew i'd be place there any way.

How are you? write to me as soon as you can cousin,

From Allways,


As they reached the board in the common room Liansa begun to call out the daily plan.


MORNING: Potion classes

HOUSES: Papillionlisse

MORNING: Ice scolpturing 

HOUSES: Your own


AFTERNOON: Ribbion Dancing


AFTERNOON: Wand Waving

HOUSES: Ombrelune


EXTRA: French Language

HOUSES: Your Own

EXTRA: Boat sailing




"Ice sculpturing!" Squeeled Taimy. "That looks so exciting! I'll be thinking all day what to carve my ice into, something magestical and natural."                                                                                               "Taimy," Said Prefect Liansa as she began to laugh, "Isn't all you see around you magestical and natural enough." Patting her and candice lightly on the head, both of them soon adjusting there hair and fringes.

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