I've Never Needed To Use A Book Until Now.

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“So class, I want that report on impostor witches and wizards Thursday evening.” Said Mr Grump plank, holding a large blue thick book over his head “For more information on this assiament you can turn to page one hundred and ninety six, located in chapter three.” He continued.

Scorpius was guessing now that he’d have to know work with Aconite on Ancient History instead of plantology with Proffesor Sprout later in the library, if Scorpius was going to try and do this on his own he was pretty sure that he would fail for not completing it.                                                                  As the class was excused from Ancient History Scorpios Malfoy grabbed all his books and tucked them under his arm as he walked out of the classroom.

Walking down through the dungeon’s and into the Slytherein dorms he grabbed an extra ink bottle and a few rolls of parchment for his History paper, and then walked back out again and headed straight for the library.                                                                                                                                          As Scorpius arrived he saw the Aconite was already waiting there at a table, feet propped up on the chair beside hair as she leaned back with a book in between her face.

“Hay, how’s your day Scorpius?” Said Aconite as she peeked her eyes over the book at him, Scorpius smiled and ran his fingers through his silver hair “Fine, you?” He said.                                  He didn’t know what it was but Scorpius always found it hard for some reason to talk to this girl, every time he spoke he always had to stop himself from choking on all his words. 

“So shall we get your work from Proffesor Sprout done?” She said pulling her feet down off the chair and patting at the seat signaling Scorpius to sit down, “Well, it’s actually Ancient History I think i’ll need to focus on now,” He said sitting beside Aconite. “If i don’t get help it’ll never get done, we have to write some report on impostor witches and wizards.” 

Aconite’s eyes sparked up “And I know the most perfect wizard you can write your report on, Gilderoy Lockheart. Once collecting all there information on battling night trolls and casting new spells he’d erase there memory, no one in your class will ever think of doing him since he erased his own memory and became loopy, plus the fact he’s a total pansy but if we word it right we can turn this into a great report.” She said, almost so excited about her idea that she was forgetting to take a breath.  

“Um, thats brilliant...I actually mean more the brilliant, you’ve litrally already done my Ancient History report.” Said Scorpius.                                                                                                                                Aconite laughed, “So you wanted me to write the whole thing for you.” She said with a laugh. 

They both begun grabbing there hands through all of the different book shelves for things on the topic of Gilderoy Lockheart, searching through more things to do with the school they both found out he actualy taught at this school and it was here were his memory charm back fired.

"This for sure will give me extra credit." Said Scorpius.

They worked so hard that by the time they finished it was only a few minutes to dinner was served in the great hall. "I guess I should head off now, can't leave my house waiting." Said Aconite throwing her bag over her shoulder. "Well they Slyherin's wont mind us being late, the Bloody Baron wont kill you." Replied Scorpious.

"You've forgoten I'm in Gryfindor havn't you." She said half surprised and half amsued.

"Well then lets hope that headless ghost wont punish you by forcing you to see inside his neck." He said.

As they walked out of the library together they quickly joined the crowed of students making there way into the grand hall, and finally departinng to there different tables. "Hay Validet." Said Scorpious sitting besides his cousin, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and giving her a small squeeze "How was your classes today?" He said.

"Well, it was fantastic...but."

"But?" Said Scorpious trying to make Validet continue, worrying now on what his cousin could have possibly done. "Well in potions Proffesor Slughorn gave us this list for a brew we had to make that involved uesing live snakes." Said Validet. "I would littraly kill myself with my own wand id i was forced to do that...so...Albus and I came up with a plan to secretly stash them and then set them free in the forbiden forest."

"And the bad part is what?" Asked Scorpious curiously.

"In order to do that I had to throw dragon egg shells into Proffesor Slughorns potion, later pretending when it exploded that it had landed on my face." Finished Valiet. Scorpious's first reaction was to lean back on his seat whilst gripping onto the table, his cheeks letting out air as he breathed calmly, and soon surprisingly laughed, "Look's like finally I taught you something." He said.

The dinner tonight was fantastic, what am I saying...it's allways the top notch out of all the other schools, a house elves work was un limited. The golden plates then were cleared magicly as if they had sunk into the floor and in it's place was a mountain of deserts, There was littraly everything there like fig pudding, pavlova, double chocolate cakes, all sorts of lollies, sweet ice cream and blue berry pie.

Scorpious watched as my cousin begun scooping mouthfulls of mint ice cream next to him. Scorpious seriously did consider Validet as his little sister, well logicly he would be the little brotherand Validet the oldest but Scorpious didn't actually care that she was the daughter of a mass murderer that tried to take over Hogwarts, the ministry for magic and the rest of the world because he knew that she wouldn't do stuff like that.

Almost to soon all the dinner and deserts had been consumed, the plates shiny and empty as if the table had licked and swiped there fingers across the golden plates to collect every last crumb.

Scorpious walked down towards the dungeons with Validet, one of his arms leading her down the stairs whilst the other also tried to keep his books and parchment together from when Scorpious had studied with Aconite at the library. As they reached the common room it was if by chance that Scorpious suddenly dropped his books, falling hard against the floor echoing across the room.

Validet stopped and lent down to pick them up, her mouth curling and letting out a small laugh. "A little fun at the library I'm guessing." Said Validet picking up a copy of Gilderoy Lockhearts biography of 'Magical me.', his fake face smiling whilst lightining crashed into the hills behind him.

"What's so wrong about doing an essay?" Said Scorpious.

Validet looked at her cousin as if she could read through his fake 'dumb' expression. "Scorpious you don't ever read, when ever you do an essay you most likely get information from your friends or you would write to me from beaxbatons pleading to me for advice." She said.

"By the way that was not pleading." Replied Scorpious.

"Oh, Validet, please help he...if i dont get this project handed in i'll fail divination." Said Validet in a high pitched whiny voice, blubbering at the end pretending to cry with her head tipping in her hands.

"You make me sound so stupid, yes that did happen but I was in my second year of Hogwarts." Said Scorpious.

"No it was actually the fourth, by the way divinations is one of the easiest classes in the school curriculum, I know you wich means I know you dont read...obviously you can pick a book up for Aconite Cleathwars." Her tone turning to a devilish sarcasim as she said the last part.

She passed Scorpious the books and quickly flounced of to her dorm before he could speek another word in self defence, as Scorpious stood up and walked up to the boys dormitry he sighed to himself. "God she's good at making me feel like a total sap." He said. 



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