Beuaxbatons school for girls.

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Once the Malfoy's and Validet Riddle left platform nine and three quarters, and started to travel again in the car, Validet saw they were heading out into a wide open farm land. Validet had never really ever seen land like this before, since most of her life she had been tucked away in her cousin Mr Malfoy's manor.

As the car pulled up again once more, Validet jumped out onto the smooth grassy lands....she smiled happily as she started to walk when dewy rain drops formed on her black shiny shoes.

The two Malfoy's Grabbed Validet's bags and trunk out of the car, the Malfoy's had been informed that they had to purchase blue bags and robes.

"Were do I have to bring this up to?" said Milicent,

"Just up past those two hills," said Draco, "Until we reach the portke."

heaving out of the back Mrs Malfoy pulled out Validet's large silver cage....Mrs Malfoy wasn't looking what she was doing, and half dropped the box. Validet Came over and snatched it away, "If it's ok with you," said Validet coldly, "I'll hold onto Havishna."

As they began to walk, Validet raised the cage to her ear and whispered inside. "Are you all right my girl, I hope you weren't to cramped up in there during the ride."

"Not at all, my dearest Val. But that Malfoy women is all thumbs when lifting anything." hissed Havishna.

Havishna was Validet's best friend, besides her second cousin Scorpious.

Havishna was very spectacular breed, she was darkish red and glossy decorated with gold and pinkish shades. She had gotten Havishna for her seventh birthday.

Validet sniggered at Mrs Malfoy, as Havishna told her to turn around....she saw Milicent trying to step un successfully around bits of mud, and moaning and complaining when a bit of her heel was swallowed by the thick wet dirt.

Finally when they reached the second hill with all of Validet's belongings, they started scavenging around for the Portkie. Validet un latched Havishna's cage to let her out, to see if she could find anything.

"Over there!" hissed Havishna only a minute later, "that porcelain mug over there, it reeks of the stench of Beuaxbatons."

Validet called out to the two Malfoy's, and they quickly cane rushing over.

"We'd better do it now." said Mr Malfoy, "The carriage for Beuaxbatons leaves at 2:22, and it's 2:15 at the moment."

Mr Malfoy gripped onto Validet's hand, Validet clung onto Mrs Malfoy and they all gripped onto Validets blue Trunks as they huddled around the old mug.

"Ok," called Draco, "Hold on tightly at the count of three."

Validet nodded.


But at that moment she looked in her cage she'd forgotten to put Havishna in, she suddenly saw her only a few steps away from her biting the head of a mouse. She started running over and grabbed her.


Validet raced over, and only just managed to cling on as soon as Mr Malfoy yelled,


All of a sudden the farm around her started spinning, spinning so crazy that besides the Malfoy's and her luggage everything else was a blurred grey.

She felt Havishna coil her fat body around her arm.

"let go!" she heard someone yell, so she did.

Validet closed her eyes as she tumbled down, bags and all.

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