A Painless Life is Found by None

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Pain is a part of life, and pain is a part of life. The sooner we realize this the more we will grow. This saying is poignant-bluntly stating truth about life. If we avoid pain, it will eventually find us, wounding us so much more than it would have if we accepted it. If we want to learn, we must accept pain as this maxim shortly states.

This statement shows that no one can achieve a existence.

For example, a boy who avoids pain will soon realize the hard truth of this maxim. His mother practically wraps him in bubble wrap to keep him from harm. This boy knows not the name of pain. Unfortunately for him, when he grows up, they will meet face to face, and the pain will hurt ten times worse than if he had understood it as a child. He met pain eventually... it was not avoided.

Whereas a boy who is adventurous, and hurts himself many a time, understands pain and he accepts it. He does not seek pain, but does not avoid pain at all costs, he takes the chance that he may fall out of a tree he has climbed as it in the wind, but he doesn't throw himself out of it. When he meets with great pain later in life, he will accept it more, and it may not hurt as much.

When a boy runs away to make his own future, he takes suffering and charity at first. Later, when he has conquered the world, and owns major multi-million dollar companies, he will be the one giving charity. As life has pain that we must rise above, we must rise above our wildest dreams to achieve the unthinkable-an easier life.

Think now on the well-known story of the three little pigs. They were reckless, leaving their mother to go into the world. They put hard work into building themselves houses, one of straw, one of sticks, and one of brick. Nevertheless, the Big Bad Wolf gave them overwhelming anxiety as he destroyed the first two houses, blowing them into . On the third, though, he could not make a mark. The three pigs were huddled inside and the Wolf tried to come down the chimney. He landed in their fire and was vanquished. The pigs suffered, but overcame to live happily ever after.

We must learn from pain. We don't learn unless there is an incentive behind it, good or bad, a fear of stupidity, a fear of pain, a hope for something better, or any number of reasons. We must accept the teaching given to us and embrace it. Accept pain as one of your many teachers. As Rhitu Ghatourey said, "We learn something from everyone who passes through our lives... Some lessons are painful, some are painless... but, all are priceless."

So, all you who recognize pain are to be applauded. Those who avoid it at all costs must recognize the truth of these words. Pain will find you out, are you prepared?



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