Jason Grace x Reader ~ I've Missed You

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♪7 Minutes in Heaven♪

"JASON!" you shouted. It was evening, and you, Annabeth, Piper, Leo, and Percy were standing on the top of Half-Blood Hill. You could see his blonde hair inside the Camp Half-Blood van, even though it was at the bottom of the hill. It had been weeks since you last saw your friends from Camp Jupiter... weeks since you have seen your best friend and crush, Jason Grace. Jason threw open the car door and ran up the hill. You started to run down toward him.

"(YOUR NAME)!" he called. You laugh as you collide into his strong, athletic body. He was a blonde Superman... yet he was even more handsome. Jason threw his arms around you into a tight hug and you buried your head into his chest. You could feel him shake as he laughed, which made you laugh harder. Oh boy, you had missed Jason. Suddenly, you felt your feet leave the ground and air all around you. You opened your eyes, and let out a little gasp of surprise. Jason, who was still holding on to you, had flew you guys up to about three miles in the air. He knew that trick got you every time.

"You big bully, let me go!" you teased, gently punching his chest. Jason laughed, and your heart flew out of your chest. Every time you saw him, it was like falling in love all over again. You had forgotten how hot he was... with that little scar above his lip and his electric blue eyes...

"That's it? No 'Hello!' or 'Nice to see you!'?" Jason teased back. You rolled your eyes. Jason laughed harder. You could feel his strong arms wrapped around you, making sure you didn't fall. He was the person who always protected you. 

"Well, I'll say it once we get back on the ground!" you fired back. Jason's eyes suddenly lit up, and a little more sparkle seemed to dance in the blue. You wanted to kiss him so badly. He was your everything. 

"Okay, and since you wanted me to let go..." Jason laughed, and made you and him drop down a few feet. You gripped harder onto your best friend, your hands holding his shirt tight. You were acting more scared than you actually were. You trusted your best friend with your life. 

"JASON GRACE! YOU BETTER NOT LET ME DIE!" you shout. Jason smiled at you, and hugs you even more tightly. 

"I missed you, (your name)..." he said softly, looking into your eyes. Your heart jumped. Jason was different than any person you had ever met. He treated you like you were the most important thing in the world. He pulled you closer into his chest. 

"I missed you too, Jason..." you said. Suddenly, you heard shouting from beneath you. You and Jason look downwards. Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Piper, Frank, and Hazel were yelling up at you, waving their arms. 

"Shoot," Jason says, and rolls his eyes down at your friends. You laugh... but you wished that they could've let you have a little more time. In the sky was the only time you could be alone with the love of your life. Jason soars down and lands softly on the ground. He holds you a second longer... and then Hazel pulls you out of his arms. 

"Hey (your name)!" Hazel says and gives you a big hug. Frank grins and high-fives you. Everyone is hugging and smiling. Oh, you've missed this. Your friends meant the world to you.

"It's good to have you guys back!" you exclaim. Everyone grins in agreement. 

"Have you eaten yet?" Piper asks, "We have saved some dinner for you just in case..."

"Thanks, Piper," Frank says, "We're starving."

"To the Dining Pavilion then!" Annabeth says. She and Percy lead the way, holding hands. Hazel and Frank are swapping stories with Piper and Leo. Jason walks beside you. His hand sometimes brushed yours, and you wished you were the ones holding hands. Life was perfect. You couldn't believe all your friends are together again.

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