Camryn's POV

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Septemper 25, 2016

As I wake up to Green day "Wake me up when September ends". I reach for my phone, but it falls of my nightstand. I mentally curse,and throw my covers off letting the crisp cool air hit my skin. I pick up my phone to turn the alarm off, and see that it's 8:30am. As I try to walk down the stairs for breakfast I'm caught off guard when I step on something slippery.

Do you ever wonder. Why me? Why do I have to be clumsy? Are other people like this? No just me... Okay.

While I manage to get up of the freezing wood floor from falling down the staircase I hear laughing. As I turn around to find my annoying little brother and sister. Well my sister isn't that little she's 16, but I'm 19 and sometimes I still wonder about her... On the other hand my brother is 13 years old, so I guess it's kind of normal for him to act like this. I'm thinking of running up the staircase, but I realize I'll just fall again. So I carefully make my way up the stairs, and run after them through the house.


Now I know what your thinking. "Why did your parents name you all with the letter c?" To be honest I don't think they meant to. It just kinda happened.

When I finally give up on trying to catch them, because I'm probably not as active as I should be... I go back to finishing breakfast, and check my phone. I notice that it's already 9:30am.

"Crap I have work today." I mutter to myself.

I've finished high school last year, and now I'm taking some college courses at a community college. I have no idea what I want to do with my life. So I took a job at hot topic in the mall. It's one of my favorite stores, so I thought 'hey...why not?'. My shift starts at 10am so I rush carefully back up to my room. I go to my closet and pick out some black skinny jeans, an all time low t-shirt, and some all black converse. I bolt to my bathroom, and put my wavy strawberry blonde hair in a ponytail. I have no time to put on makeup, so I once again cautiously hurry down the stairs.

"Bye guys see you after work!" I yell to my siblings wherever they are in the house.

It's a Saturday, and my parents are at work. I'm thinking about getting my own place soon, but you know money... It is just a little more convenient to live with them right now. Like I get free meals, I don't have to pay rent, that sorta stuff... As I get in my car, and put the keys in the ignition it doesn't start.

"No no no no not now I'm already gonna be late." I say to myself breathing heavier.

Great. This morning couldn't get any worse. I get out of the car, but I spoke to soon as I could feel rain drops on my head. I ran back up to my house under the porch, and try to stay calm but my anxiety is getting the best of me. I try to call my friend Emily, because she always can help me in these situations. She finally answers after the third ring:

"Hi,"she says with a way to eager voice for the morning.

"Hey,"I say while trying to hold back tears.

"What's wrong? And don't say nothing because I know something is," Emily stated.

"Could you just pick me up, and drive me to the mall. I'll explain later." I reply.

"Okay I'll be over as soon as possible. Bye." She answers.

I'm so glad I have a friend like her. Actually she's probably my best friend. She has been my best friend since 5th grade? Yeah 5th grade. Wow. I remember when I first started having these anxiety attacks, and she was always there to help. It was so much worse back then, and being the weird girl in school didn't help at all. Always being called freak and ugly when I would walk down the hallway. But Emily looked past everything and was(is) a true friend. Then my thoughts are interrupted by a car that pulled in my driveway. I saw Emily in the car with her curly brown hair, and ocean blue eyes. I was always jealous of her really blue eyes, because I'm stuck with stupid boring brown eyes. Yup I got low self esteem but I'm alright. Anyways I sprinted back out into the rain, and got into Emily's purple little Volkswagen. By the time all of this happened I was soaked.

"Okay now can you tell me?" she questions me while handing me a towel.

"Well it's just... This whole morning was ruined. First I fall down my stairs thanks to my brother and sister. Then my car won't start, and I'm already late for work. Now it's pouring outside, and I might lose my job." I say quickly trying to hold back tears, but they get the best of me like always. Ugh I'm such a crybaby.

"It's okay, it's okay don't cry. I think they'll understand." She comforts me.

"No it's not that I..." I stuttered.

"Then what is it?" She asks me.

"I don't know." I tell the truth I truly just get worried over anything.

"Maybe you should call work and tell them your sick or something." She suggests.

"Sure I guess" I sniffle.

"We could go to the movies, or out to eat.  Or something you choose." Emily said.

"Umm how about.... the movies." That new star star wars is out maybe that will be fun.

"Ok buckle your seat belt.  OFF TO THE MOVIES!!" she screams and I let out a little giggle.


Thanks to everyone who is reading. Hopefully this wasn't horrible, and if you have any suggestions. Or ideas feel free to comment. The boys from 5sos and tøp will be coming soon. Happy thanksgiving!


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