You Suck.

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A Kiss P.30 I think..-(Piper meets Polly again)


Piper was having a good weekend Piper was smiling because of that good weekend. Why was Piper having a good weekend? Well work was going beyond great her customers were kind and friendly Piper and her dad were getting along and Piper a made a few new friends.

Piper was also excited because she'd finally saved up enough to get her own place a lovely two bedroom her parents and brother-(& his girlfriend) Helped Piper furnish her new place with everything she could have ever wanted.

Sure she was running low on cash but that didn't brother Piper and do you want to know why? Well a few days ago Piper got perfect phone call from her love Alex who was worked had to get furlough. Piper was excited to know that Alex was coming to see her Piper couldn't wait to pick Alex up and take her back to her house.

Piper was nearly bouncing off the walls with all the excitement she was holding inside being at work she had to contain herself so Piper kept herself as busy Piper was left to close up and she was so ready to go home and kick back almost finished with closing Piper smiled to herself hearing the bell of the shop chimed. Piper frowned when she saw the person coming through the door.

"We're closed"-Piper announced with a new frown.

"Yes I know"-Polly said moving closer.

"Obviously you don't realize that I mean can't you read the sign on the door"-Piper responded.

"Piper it's been a long time"-Polly said.

"I know how long it's been and I also remember the last time I saw you do you remember that?"-Piper asked annoyed

"Look I know that you're pissed at me for what I did but we used to be best friends can't we go back to being that?"-Polly asked.

"Are we friends and are you sorry for what you did?"-Piper asked.

"I am sorry Piper and I was hoping that you could still be friends"-Polly said.

"If you were my true friend you would have came and saw me when I was in the hospital what kind of friend are you?"-Piper questioned.

"Not a good one I was a bad friend"-Polly said.

Piper chuckled to herself she couldn't believe that her former best friend would dare to come to her father's place of business and start something. Polly couldn't even have the balls to come and see her in the hospital when she was hurt wouldn't a true friend do that.

Piper blame her former best-friend and her ex-man Piper also took her own responsibility for what happen. Saying that Piper sure as hell wasn't going to be friends with Polly that part of her life was over and done with.

"Polly honestly I really don't care anymore about you and Larry I really don't I don't even think about you two"-Piper said.

"I'd thought you say that"-Polly responded.

"Then why did you come here?"-Piper asked.

"I'd thought we could make up I mean you forgave Alex for what she did and I was hoping you'd do the same for me"-Polly said.

"Don't bring Alex into this"-Piper said frowning.

"You cheat on Larry with Alex"-Polly said with a tone.

"That was none your damn business and that doesn't give you the right to fuck him and cheat on your husband"-Piper spat.

"That's not fair"-Polly said.

"Fuck you and Larry I hope you two are happy together"-Piper said.

"He and I are broken up he cheated on me and now I know how you feel"-Polly lightly said.

"Am I supposed to feel bad for you and be your BFF to cry on?"-Piper spat.

"No"-Polly said lightly.

"Who do you think to Pete hmm? I expected it hoping I was wrong but I wasn't "-Piper said honestly.

"Piper why--why would you do that?"-Polly stammered.

"I did for the same reason why you slept with Larry because I wanted to..Now get out I don't want to see you again"-Piper said seriously.

Piper smiled to herself she'd had been waiting months to tell Polly this and Piper had been waiting months to tell Polly that she was done with her and that she was done with Larry. This made Piper feel much better she felt a weight be lifted.

Piper finally finished up closing she grabbed her jacket closing and locking up the business she enjoyed the cold air as she walked home. Thinking of seeing Alex in a few days also made her feel better and more relaxed.

Piper couldn't wait to see Alex.


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