And their's A Baby In There.

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A Kiss...With A Sweet  growing baby.


The three best friends have been super nervous for the past two weeks since the pregnancy test said that Alex is pregnant. Piper's and Alex's OBGYN wanted the them to wait. She wanted to make sure that the pregnancy stuck the doctor wanted to make sure that ever thing was on the up and up.

The three best friends all took at day off work so they could all be at Alex's doctors appointment. Excited yet nervously waiting in the waiting room after an hour of waiting the nurse finally came and ushered the trio into the backroom.

Alex's followed the nurse instructions to ready herself for the doctors examination. Five minutes later with a soft smile and three handshakes the doctor arrived closing the door behind her.She was gently yet quick with the examination and drawn blood test.

The doctor nodded to her assistant to turn off the light she the 3D ultrasound could began. Squirting the cool jelly onto Alex's belly Piper watched excitability while holding her wife's hand. Marshall and Alex both stare intensely at the slowly uploading images of there possible baby. 

"Looks like congratulations are in-order"-said the doctor.

"So we're parents then?"-Marshall asked with a smile.

"Yeah are we?"-Piper asked.

"Yes you're and it looks like it's going to be five of you instead of four"-The doctor announced.

"What do you mean by that"-Alex asked.

"Wait...does that mean what I think it mean?"-Piper said.

"Three parents and two babies"-The doctor confirmed.

"That's awesome"-Marshall exclaimed.

"Two babies are you sure it's two babies...?"-Alex asked slightly freaking.

"I see two sacks there so yes it looks like it"-The doctor confirmed again.

"We're going to have not one but two two of them"-Alex added.

"I know Al and we'll be fine just fine won't we?"-Piper asked looking over at Marshall.

"Yes we will and I always wanted twins..I mean not like this but..I'll take it"-He joked trying to lighten the mood.

"Two babies not one baby why aren't you freaking out?"-Alex asked.

"Because I always freak out and it's your turn...Al we'll be fine two is better than one anyways"-Piper said smiling.

"Okay two babies"-Alex added now more calm.

"Two babies"-Both Piper and Marshall smiled.


Their's A baby in there.....Now it's two babies...I mean Who doesn't like twins. :-)

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