Chapter 6

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Author's Note: Sorry again for not writing on time. Exams are coming up so I've been busy with school work. I'll try posting up another chapter this week to make up for not post last week. ENJOY.

GIF: JB dancing to "Magnetic"

YouTube: JB fan service 


V was very confused and asked me, "Wait, you've met JaeBum already?"

"Uhm .. uh .. well .. the thing is .." WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME? I can't believe I'm stuttering so much in front of them. I looked down and tried to explain again.

"Well, not really. It's a bit confusing. I recognize his voice, but when I had bumped into him before, I didn't see him so I don't know."

V nodded, but still looked slightly confused.

"JB, did you say this was your hat?"

JB nodded and gave V a clearer explanation of what happened.

"My group and I landed in LA for KCON and a group of fan girls were there waiting. I tried to get away, but they kept coming and when I turned the corner, she was there and we bumped into each other. I also didn't recognize her because her hair covered her face. When we got into our car, I realized that I brought back the wrong hat. So why do you have my hat V?"

Now V nodded with a less confused face. 

"It's actually hers, I took it from her room to wear for a bit in public."

JB turned and looked at me, but all I could do was stare down. 

"You went to her house?"

At that moment I raised my head as fast as I could and shook my head and hands no.

"Yes and no. She's currently living at Jungkook's home because she's preparing his little sister for auditions. Jungkook and I came to visit and just found out about it."

JB turned to me and asked, "For singing? Or dancing?"

"That's not what he meant. I'm her private English tutor" I quickly explained.

"She sings pretty well too. Do you wanna hear?" 

With my eyes wide opened, I turned and looked at V.

"I'm not gonna sing."

He smiled. "You don't have to." He pulled out his phone and was clicking through and then he looked up.

I looked at his phone and could not believe what I was hearing. HE HAD A RECORDING OF ME SINGING WHILE I WAS WITH AE RA.

I snatched his phone and tried to turn it off, but I didn't know how so I turned down the volume and grabbed V's arm.

"I AM SO HUNGRY. Let's go eat." I tried to drag him inside, but he was pretty strong and pulled me back out. I stumbled a bit, but he helped me. I got my balance back and pushed away to stand by myself. V and JB found this amusing and started chuckling. I looked down again and felt my cheeks get hot. 

"Oh no." I heard JB say. I was about to look up when I felt something on my head. V had put the hat onto my head.

"Don't look up, there is a photographer here. I don't think he recognized who we are yet."

"Then don't you need the hat?" I was about to take it off when he stopped me.

"I'm fine, I have a hood. We have to leave separately. Go inside and go through the back door after a while."

By Chance (Got7 & BTS FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now