Ch 3: Cold Warm Hot

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As the robot closed the door he turned around and saw me.

"Oh what do we have here!!! A human!!! Oh aren't you just DARLING!!"  The robot guy leaped over the couch and stood in front of me.

"Yea, thanks. I'm Layla!" I like this guys style! "Who are you? I'm new here and you seem to have quite a following!?"

"Oh I'm so glad you asked! Im Metteton! Im the superstar of the Underground! Papyrus, where is your brother I have thrilling news!"

"UM... HES UP IN HIS ROOM BUT HE'S A BIT.... VIOLENT RIGHT NOW...." Papyrus said shyly. Metteton giggled a bit but then nodded.

"Ok tell him this latter then, apparently, you didn't hear it from me, Someone in Hotland just moved in with Undying!"

"Who's Undying?


"Oh don't think quite so low of me! I also heard a human was in Snowdin and I wanted to see if it was true. Now I know, and she's quite the cutie!!" A slight blush crossed my face. That's a complement I haven't gotten in a while. Especially from a stranger. "Arn't you just darling!" Metteton started fan-girling over my cuteness and I roled my eyes.

"You guys are all so strange?" I stood up and was about to leave when a metal hand wrapped around my wrist.

"Where are you going. We still need to do the interview!" The next thing I knew I was being dragged out the door and towards who knows where!


I closed the door to my room as the front door slammed shut. It grabbed my attention and I walked down the stairs to see a shocked Papyrus.

"What's the shocked face for bro?"

"METTETON HAS KIDNAPPED OUR NEW HUMAN FRIEND...." he stood up picking up a small black plastic and glass box. "WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS?"

"Don't know let me see?" He handed me the small box and I examined it. I pressed a circular button and the front lit up. There was a time, date, and text saying 'swipe to unlock'. I did so and a code appeared. Not even attempting the code I went back to the first page. I swiped the screen until something happened. A camera appeared.

"Oh, this is gonna be fun!"

-Time skip-

I held the box in my hand as I walked into the forest. I was recording everything I was doing. I watched papyrus do some of his old puzzles visited the ruin doors and eventually ended up back at the house. I said goodbye and placed the phone where Papyrus picked it up from only seconds before Layla entered the house.


As the snow started melting the air became warmer. We ran though a warm underground cave type area before we arrive in front of a lab. The air was now hot and dry.

The lab doors opened and I was greeted with a large white space. A computer could be seen surrounded by papers and manga books. I think who ever those belong to will get along with me quite well.

I was pulled through the lab and finally into a crowd of people. Metteton let go of me and I caught my breath. A microphone was placed before me.

"Welcome everyone! Today we have a very special guest! A HUMAN! Human what is your name?!"

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