Ch 16: Taking Control

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I knew what was going to happen so I let it. If it took the monsters over 100 years to collect 6 souls why wait another 100? I no longer could control my body but I could still see everything that was happening. It was like watching a movie through someone else's eyes. I couldn't have stopped if I tried so I just cried. I cried as I sat in black.


What an idiot. She's not even trying to fight back. Oh well she can just sit back and watch is she wants to for all I care!

I just don't want anyone to suffer because of me anymore.~

I'm not going to answer that... Walking out of the capital I didn't speak. I'm guessing that if I don't suppress myself for now that I'm going to end up changing this body so for now I'm just gonna walk to the house.

I reached the house and entered. I let go of the power I was holding in and unsurprisingly I instantly could feel the slight differences.

I walked to the smashed mirror in the bathroom and looked at myself in the remaining cracked glass.

My eyes were black with red pupils and the little markings on my cheeks grew larger. I let my hair out of the hair tie and grabbed a pair of scissors from one of the drawers. I cut my hair to a more manageable shoulder length and put it back into a high pony.

That'll will be much better for a fight!  I placed the scissors in my pocket and walked into the bedroom. Ok it's here somewhere! I dug around in dresser drawers, the night stand, and even under the bed but I could find the knife.

Did she really put it back? I walked out into the kitchen as sure enough I found Frisks knife in its orignal place. I grabbed it and placed it next to the scissors. Well that's all I need. Let's not make the same mistake I made with the other sister....


"BROTHER WHERE WAS LAYLA BEEN! NORMALY YOU TO ARE TOGETHER?" Papy yelled walking down the stairs.

"I haven't seen her all day. Why do you ask?"

"WELL I JUST GOT A REPORT THAT SOMEONES KILLING MONSTERS IN THE RUINS! I WANT TO MAKE SURE SHES NOT THERE!" My eyes widened as Papyrus stepped into the living room. Could it be? Another kid? Chara? I don't know but it's not good!

"When did you get this!" I jumped of the couch and faced Papy.

"LIKE TWO SECONDS AGO WHY?" He looked confused as I headed for the door. I've seen everyone die to many times I doing something about it this time!

"Good were getting everyone outa here! Come on." He followed and I teleported to Alphyus' with him. It confused the shit outa him but I have no time to explain.

"Alphuys! Alphuys!" She quickly appeared from her house and Papy showed her the message. I gave instructions and she followed.

"Have you seen Layla recently? I know it's still early but..."  I asked before leaving to help evacuate.

"No not today but... We need to find her..."

"Trust me I know she explained the whole shabang to me..." I turned away leaving her slightly confused.

Not risking it in the Ruins we started in Snowdin. I sent Doggo to watch the door to the Ruins for when the kid came out but until he reports back I need to focus on this task....

We cleared Snowdin and Waterfall before I got word from a scared and confused Doggo.

"They came out and got really frustrated about there being an evacuation." He shivered as he spoke.

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