Ch 12: Im Not Me

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I slowly drifted awake from sleep but refused to open my eyes. A simple calming sense washed over my whole body and for once I woke up with only memories of a happy dream.  I tugged what ever was covering me closer to my body and snuggled in to what I though was the couch.

I could feel the object below my head slowly rising and falling in a repetitive pattern and when I played close attention I couldn't hear a heart beat.

There's no way....

Did I really!...

Wow this is just like out of a story...

I freak'n fell asleep on top of Sans!

I slowly lifted my head and opened my eyes to confirm my thoughts. Yep a sleeping Sans. I placed my head back down trying not to wake the freak'n adorable sleeping skeleton.  I closed my eyes and tried to fall back asleep. I was about half asleep when I felt a slight weight on my head.


Am I in a fan-fic!...

What is going on!!!!

I felt Sans hand slowly move down my hair as he pet me. A huge blush covered my face but I know sans couldn't see it from the angle I was laying at. The blush died down and I grew a liking to the feeling. Eventually It lulled me back to sleep.


I woke up and found myself alone on the couch. A frown appeared on my face. I looked down to what was covering me and found it to be Sans Jacket. The fluffy inside was super warm and I put it on standing up off the couch. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and went into the bathroom to get cleaned up. I blushed my hair and teeth.

Ya know those teeth kids always think are vampire teeth... Well mine really were... They were sharper and a bit longer then normal. I shrugged at the change and continued brushing my teeth. Walking out of the bathroom I entered the living room once again and noticed a note on the kitchen table.

(I know there's not one in game but use your imagination?!)

Me and Papyrus went out to meet up with Undyne and Toriel for a small sudden meeting. We'll be back soon.


I placed the note in the trash and sighed in defeat. I stayed in Sans jacket enjoying the warmth and walked outside. I wanted to visit the grave sites again this morning.

I got a boat ride to the capital and walked the rest of the way to the top on the hill where I was buried. I had more time to analyze the way everything was placed and I noticed an area where the soil was loose. Curiosity got the best of me and when I dug into the hole I found my phone..?

I turned it on to see it was almost halfway dead. I had a ton of phone calls from the same unknown number. And each time they left a voice mail. I quickly played the oldest one and was shocked at the voice I heard.

"Yo, so I know you can't really hear me but I found found this idea in one of Alphyus books so I though I'd give it a shot. Ever sense you left everyone's really down... Everyone's nervous to talk about what happened, even the queen disappeared for a few days. Everyone's gonna miss you kid.

Oh and by the way, this is Sans...*click*"

I quickly played the second message.

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