Chapter 7: Part 2

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Part 2: Not So Scary

"Don't even think about it."

I was quickly jerked from the two male's arms and into someone's chest, an arm securing me in place. All I could do was stare wide-eyed at the person that was about a hair width away from taking my life, tears still cascading from my eyes.

"Oh crap, sorry man! I didn't know she was your girl!"

"Huh?" My voice was hoarse as it came out, but I couldn't care less. I tipped my head back to look up at the male holding me. His gaze was fixated in a glare at the male with a broken nose, but once I tipped my head back he glanced down, eyes softening.

More tears built up in my gaze, but instead they were from relief, a small smile tugging at my features.


"Look at you, you're a mess." He turned me around and pulled his hoody sleeves down. He began to wipe at my tears, a small frown on his features, "You just can't stay out of trouble."

"I'm really sorry Dai, I didn't know she was your girlfriend. Or that she even knew you."

"She isn't my girlfriend."

"Oh? So she is just a night buddy?"

"The hell..." Dai grumbled and pinched the bridge of his nose, "You idiots.."

"Yo, girl." I turned my head to broken-nose male giving me an awkward grin, "Sorry for almost killing you. You should have said you knew Dai."

"I didn't know that that information was life saving at night, but noted." I mumbled, lowering my gaze.

One of the other male's rubbed the back of his neck, giving a sheepish smile, "Yeah, we are all really sorry dame. It won't happen again."

"What the hell are you doing out here anyways Smudge?" Dai asked, his tone a tad rigid.

"I couldn't sleep and I was feeling a little nostalgic. My... Older brother used to let me come with him at night when he went exploring at night."

"Well you are lucky I came along when I did, honestly I don't know how you get yourself in these situations." Dai turned his gaze back on the four guys, "Well, I might as well introduce you."

"Introduce...? So you five are all friends?"

"Friends?" Broken-nose laughed, shaking his head, "Dai isn't only a friend, he is our leader."


"As in gang leader. Are you dense or something?"

"No! I just didn't know Dai was apart of a gang... Or that he was leading one for that matter...."

"Man Dai, you really have been leaving your girl in the dark, haven't you?"

"For the last time, she isn't 'my girl' or 'night buddy' or any of that."

"Oh? So she is open?" Broken-nose's grin widened, "Well then, hello there beautiful, my name is Mishima Nissho, but you can call me Nissho." He extended his hand to me.

"And I'll beat the crap out of you if you touch her." Dai threatened.

"And I'll break your nose again." I added, taking his hand to shake slightly.

"These other three are Asari Sekien and Honzo, and then Nonomura Ippei. Sekien is actually in the same grade as you Smudge. I'm surprised you two don't know each other." Dai pointed at each one as he made an introduction.

"Huh? She goes to our school Dai? I've never seen her around." Honzo tilted his head.

Sekien shrugged, "Doesn't matter, we know to look for her now. Anyways, what's your name? Or is it really Smudge?"

"Amaririsu Tsubi." I introduced myself, "And I haven't seen any of you around either. But same story for me, I really wasn't looking."

Speaking of their appearance I began to make notes on each of them. Before it didn't really matter, I mean come on, they were just there to kill me.

Now, well, I guess there place in my life has improved from threat to possible ally.

Nissho had unruly hair the color of rust. The messy strands collided well with his skin that was a creamy tan color. His eyes were narrow deep ocean blue slits. He looked about the same age as Dai, so sixteen or possibly seventeen. All in all he had a pretty laid back character about him (besides his flirting).

Ippei had curly dark-brown hair and matching eyes. He was fairly tall and had just tad lighter skin than Nissho. He was smiling kindly at me, so I guess kind was the best word to discribe him with. He himself seemed older than Nissho and Dai, but I could be wrong.

Honzo definitely was the same as Dai. I could just tell. He had golden hair that was pulled back into a short pony-tail and amethyst eyes. He was slouched, but he seemed about the same height as Dai, so just a little shorter than Nissho.

As for Sekien I knew he wasn't as old or older than Dai, Dai's statement giving that away. Like Honzo he had ameythyst eyes, but unlike him he had black hair. He was shorter than Dai, but taller than me. They all were, but not by much. I could probably catch up to them. At least Dai and Honzo. Probably not Ippei or Nisshi.

"Now that I've heard your name I think I have seen you around." Sekien tilted his head to the side, "You hang around with Ayugae and Numata, don't you?"

"And Uemora."

He waved a hand, "You get the point. Yeah, I have seen you, but I just didn't really recognize you. Sorry."

"That doesn't hurt my feelings any. I haven't even noticed you before."

"Hey, maybe I could hook you two up. My little introvert of a brother hasn't had a girlfriend in forever." Honzo smirked, leaning on the younger male's shoulder.

"Knock it of Honz." Sekien growled, his cheeks heating up, "I don't want a girlfriend. If I wanted one I could get one myself."

"Fat chance. Seki always gets so nervous around girls he likes. He stutters and makes a fool of himself, then he gets mad and scares her off. It's pretty funny."

Sekien turned and punched Honzo in the throat, sending him back to land on his back. Honzo flailed, making chocking sounds as he did.

Sekien straightened his clothes out, "Ignore him. He is just jealous because he has never had a girlfriend."

"He's got you there Honz." Nisshi poked the suffering male with his foot. The only response he got from the male was the middle finger.

Dai chuckled dryly, "Well we should probably get you home Tsubi. Then I have to get Nisshi back so we can fix his nose. Good job by the way Smudge."

"Really. I would have paid money to see what happened." Sekien grinned.

"Nothing special really. His claws were digging into my skin so I headbutted him."

"He have a hard head.." Nisshi grumbled.


Dai grinned slightly, "Alright alright, come on." He grabbed my wrist and began to drag me back down the side walk.

Night time isn't so scary after all. Not when you aren't alone.

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