Chapter 9: Part 2

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Part 2: Therapy

"I'm telling you this is bad for you Tsu."

"Yeah I know." I lay across the female's lap, a small sigh leaving my lips, "But with a wonderful therapist like yourself I'll be fine, right?"

"I'm not a therapist Tsu." She crossed her arms and peered down at me, her eyes shining, "And I'm worried for you. What if you get hurt?"

"No chance."

"There is a chance." She tapped my forehead a few times, "Don't be stupid and dense. I know you know it's dangerous. You said it once yourself."

"But I'm stronger now." I protested and closed my eyes, "The possibility of me actually getting hurt or even killed is getting smaller and smaller through the days that pass that I'm still working. I'll be fine Ikuo. I promise.."

She ran her fingers through my hair, "I just don't think it's as safe anymore.."

"If I leave you leave."

She fell silent. We both knew why she couldn't. This apartment, her food, the fact that she is alive, it's all because of the job.

I opened my eyes to stare at her face, smiling up at her slightly. Hashimoto Ikuo was one of the most deadliest people I know.

Especially for a mix breed.

Hashimoto Ikuo's mother was a human, born and raised here in this very city. All the while her father was a through and through monster, raised in the country. He was lethal. He was dangerous. His name was known everywhere. He was a legend.

Why he fell for Ikuo's mother is known to very few people. Those would be Ikuo, her father, myself, and two of our closer friends.

It was like any fairytale romance. He took one glance at her and instantly was head over heels. She had him wrapped around her finger with a single smile, and she had him loyal with a small laugh. He loved everything about her. Her grace, her beauty, and most of all her personality. It was a strange combo- the thug of a monster and the weak human, but they made it work.

They had it all. A dreamlike romance, a cute little home, and vows that were to never be broken.

Then they wanted a child.

Needless to say, it killed Ikuo's mother. More specifically, Ikuo killed her mother.

Now you must be thinking Ikuo's father hates her, or he disowned her, but neither is the case.

When he watched his wife die, he thought he had lost everything. Then a nurse brought him his daughter, spewing condolences, but he didn't care. He could only stare down at the small being in his arms.

He cried that day, both from pain and from joy.

Why does she live alone then? Why did she almost die?

Ikuo's father had left for the country, fearing that he would raise his daughter to be a tyrant. The trouble was, the orphanages didn't know where she belonged. Was she a monster? Or was she a human?

She doesn't even have a mark for that simple fact.

Now I must have given you the impression that she is a monster, but she really isn't. She doesn't have a high risk of losing her mind like the rest of us, and she didn't go through the Changing, she was just born as she is now. Yes, she has a monster form, but at the same time she doesn't.

She is so deadly because she doesn't seem deadly.

She just looks and acts like a normal human.

She is what she is, and what she is doesn't belong in either place.

She is an Outcasted.

"Come on Tsu, we are going to be late."

"Right." I stood up and so did she. We left her room and then her apartment. We made small conversation as we went.

"Why don't you have Jarra with you today? You usually have him to take notes for you." Ikuo questioned as she shoved her hands in her pockets.

"I was asked not to bring him. I think today is something really serious."

"Oh fun." Ikuo mumbled sarcastically. "This is what I was talking about Tsu. I think something big is about to happen. I think everything is going to change."

I sighed and stared down at my feet, "I know Ikuo, but you don't think they are going to start..."

"A war?" We turned at the new voice.

"Oh, hey Sekien." Ikuo greeted as he caught up with us.

"Yo." He mumbled and waved slightly, "Now back to the subject. I think a war is exactly what they are planning to start." Ikuo muttered a curse under her breath, looking away. "And I can already tell you who is going to be fighting the front lines." Sekien continued, eyes trained on us. We didn't ask who, we didn't have to. He pointed at Ikuo, then myself, "Then Ippei, Kishi, and Michi."

"Michi..?" I trailed, furrowing my brows.

"Why do you think he is back so suddenly? He isn't back for you, sorry."

I felt a pang in my chest. Of course, I had already guessed this, but I wanted to believe he came back for me. Even if the belief was fleeting.

Ikuo placed a hand on my shoulder. I knew she was glaring at Sekien, I could feel his uncomfort from here.

"What? You and me both know it's the truth. Plus, I said sorry!"

"Could you be anymore inconsiderate?" She growled.

"Yes, actually, I could! Tsubi, Michi doesn't care for you at all! He would never come back for you! You're just a pawn to him!" I flinched at every sentence, and he soon lowered voice, "Wait- Tsubi, I didn't mean it. I'm just under a ton of stress, and dammit I just screwed up."

"It's okay Sekien.." I mumbled, sucking in a deep breath, "You're right anyways."

"No I'm not Tsu. I was angry and not thinking straight. Michi does care, just he himself is just a pawn. He has to do what he is told. Just like us."

His words comforted me for a brief second. I thought down thing like: Yes, that's right. He does care, and once this is all over he won't ever leave my side again.

But I knew that this wasn't truly the case.

Michi wasn't being controlled by anyone.

Michi didn't care for me either.

The only person he cared about, or will ever care about...

I shook my head. I can't be thinking these things. Not at a time like this.

"Come on you two." I smiled and grabbed there hands, weaving our fingers together in an attempt to comfort myself, "We don't want to be late."

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