Chapter 3: Part 1

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Part 1: My Best Friend

Tears filled my eyes as I ran into a stall and locked the door. I slid to floor, leaning against the stall wall after doing so. I sat, lifeless, with little to move for. Slowly I closed my eyes, letting darkness take over.

I stared up at the house, hands shaking. The small luggage I held was now dragging against the ground along with my feet. I hated new places, new things. And this sure as hell was a new thing.

I shakily raised my fist and knocked on the door ever so lightly. Not even two seconds later, the door was flung open causing me to stumble back. Before I could land on the doorstep though, I was brought into a bone crushing embrace.

"Oh, you are a cute one, aren't you?" A voice cooed in my ear as I was picked up. I shakily looked into two, bright red eyes.

"You can call me Auntie Reeta! Or just Auntie! You must be Tsubi. Oh sweet little Tsu-Tsu! I hope the ride here wasn't too uncomfortable!"

I blinked a few times trying to find my voice, "I-It wasn't..." I murmured turning my gaze away.

The woman, or Reeta, squealed twirling me around, "Ah, you are just too cute!"

"I think you are crushing her, dear." A warm voice stated from behind the red haired woman's. I was set down, and Reeta moved to the side.

Before me stood a tall male with sandy brown hair and yellow eyes. When I say tall, I mean tall. He was even taller than the door frame, but he didn't seem freakish.

"Hello, I assume by my wife's reaction you are Tsubi." He greeted politely with a smile.

I slowly nodded looking down, "I-I am... Thank you for taking me in Mr...." I muttered shyly.

"No need in that. Just call me Uncle, okay?" I could hear the smile on his voice, even if I didn't look up.

"Alright... Uncle.... Auntie..." I looked up at them and smiled softly.

A few weeks passed, and I was getting comfortable in the house. It was just Uncle, Auntie, Michi, and me. Not long after I turned ten, Auntie announced that we were going to have a little brother or sister. Of course this made me happy, but also a little scared. Would they throw me out now that they had a kid of their own?

This caused my nightmares to come back, and this also caused a ton of sleep loss on my poor family.

I would have continued this, if it wasn't for her.

A few blocks down, lived a girl I came to know as Uemora Naora.

She had barged into our home the day after I got settled, demanding I come outside and play Hide and Seek with her and her friends. I also met Ayugae Ukon and Numata Kosami that day, seeing as they were the friends she was hanging around.

All three were the same age and lived in the same flat system, so naturally they became close friends.

But Naora and I became even closer friends in the matter of a day.

We spent almost every single day together after our first meeting. All the way up to school.

Finally, on our last weekend before school started I had invited her to spend the night with me.

"Wow! Your room is so big!" Naora exclaimed jumping up onto my bed. I giggled sitting down beside her.

"I guess... It was pretty nice of Auntie and Uncle to set up a room for me..." I looked around. The walls were a light green and had darker green tree designs all around. The tree outline right behind my bed was painted in navy blue matching my bed comforter. The dresser and doors were white colored wood, fitting into the room nicely.

It was a nice room.

"Lucky! My room is just a boring white." Naora wrinkled her nose.

"It'd be fun to paint though." I suggested with a smile.

Naora smiled back, "Yeah! Maybe we could get my Mom to let us paint it a pretty purple or something!" She laid down on my bed. "That'd be so much fun. We could even splash the wall with other colors that go with purple, like a light pink. We could both wear all white that day, and even invite Kosami and Ukon over so we could have a paint fight while we are at it." She giggled at the end.

I giggled with her laying down in my stomach, "We could turn a bucket over on Ukon's head. That'd put his hair down in a hurry!"

We both continued to giggle.

The night went on like that, before we were both tired. At that we turned the lights off and curled up under my covers.

And of course, I had a nightmare.

I was shaken awake. I stared up into red eyes, tears racing from my own light blue ones. Naora frowned worriedly at me as she helped me into a sitting position.

She sat next to me on her knees peering at my face closely, "Are you alright Tsubi?" She whispered.

I nodded wiping the tears from my face.


I nodded again locking gazes with her again.

"Want to tell me about it?"

"I'm just scared I'll be sent away again now that Auntie and Uncle are going to have a kid." I answered truthfully. Naora frowned again then reached forwards pulling me into a hug.

"You won't be sent away. Even if they want to, I'll take you and hide you in my room so they can't find you. If they can't find you then they can't send you away. I would hide you there until it was safe. You wouldn't have to go to school, and I would only bring you the best food! They can't take my best friend away from me!"

I peered up at her, "Best friend?" Tears started to gather in my orbs once more.

She nodded giving me a big grin, "Of course! You are my best friend, and you are going to be till the end of time!"

I grinned back then hugged her back tightly.

A few fat tears slid out from under my closed eyelids. I didn't even care that someone could walk in on me crying, I couldn't care.

I just wanted to curl up and die in a pitiful puddle.

Uemora Naora had gone missing last night somewhere between when her mother told her goodnight at ten-thirty, and when her father went to check on her at twelve-forty.

Uemora Naora was missing
And I could do nothing about it

Still I found a smile creeping it's way on to my face.

"You are my best friend, and you are going to be till the end of time!"

"Stay safe Ora..." I whispered to myself and allowed dream land to sweep me away, not caring I was still in a bathroom stall.

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