(BTS) Jin//Promise

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Rays of sunlight shined through the curtains as I woke up. Instinctively I tried to wrap my arm around Jin, my boyfriend of 2 years, but my arm landed flat on the bed. I groggily got up, pouting because I didn't get to spend my waking hours next to Jin.I stomped downstairs and found Jin concentrating on his cooking. 'he must be trying something new,' I thought to myself. I walked closer and wrapped my arms around his bare torso. "Heyy~ Good morning Jagi," I placed a kiss on his neck.

He looked back briefly at me and smiled,"Good morning."

"No work today?" I asked already knowing his answer.

"Ne," he said as he flawlessly flipped a pancake.

I planted another kiss on his neck, and soon happiness consumed me because I couldn't stop myself from grinning into his neck.

"So," Jin started off. "What do you want to do today?"

"I'm not sure I want to leave; I wanna stay here and cuddle with you~," I said. I saw Jin briefly stiffen and blush slightly at my comment. I giggled and tried to reach for the plates that were in the cabinet. "Aish, Jin. Stop putting everything on the top shelf!"

"But Jimin keeps on using our plates for snacks and never washes them afterwards," he whined. He went up to where I was and reached above me, pressing his chest into my back. He handed me the plates and gave me a chaste kiss on the lips.

"Oppa," I complained, but didn't push it any farther because it would be pointless. I set down the plates on the table and
grabbed silverware. Suddenly, I felt a pang of nausea and stood up abruptly, rushing to the nearest trashcan.

"Y/N!" Jin called switching glances from his cooking and you.

A huge headache took over me as I managed to say that I was okay.

Jin immediately knew you weren't feeling well because of the unconvincing response and turned off the stove, walking over to you. He rubbed your back as you tightly shut your eyes.

"D-Damn, my head hurts like crazy," I groaned.

"Get dressed; we're going to the hospital," Jin said grabbing his car keys.


We arrived at the hospital. For some magical reason, my headache did not reduce, and I felt over the top lightheaded.

We walked in and signed in to see a doctor.


Doctor Choi motioned me to sit on the padded table. he checked my heartbeat and etc.

"Are you sexually active?" he nonchalantly asked.

I couldn't help but immaturely blush and shyly nod.

"Well Ms.Y/N and Mr. Jin, it appears that there's a huge possibility Y/N is pregnant. We still do have to go through the tests of course."

I looked up to Jin with wide eyes. Scared of the possibility he might not want to take responsibility, tears dropped down my face. "Jin..."
"Y/N, why are you crying?" Jin worriedly asked.

"Y-You don't have to take responsibility if you don't want to...I understand how important your reputation is," I shudderingly said.

Jin rapidly shook his head,"Y/N are you crazy? I thought you knew me long enough to know that I wouldn't do such a thing."

I glanced up to him and caught his eyes but immediately dropped my head back down to look at the swirled tile design on the floor. "Really?"


Second Person POV
You took a shuddering breath as you held your phone in your shaky hands contemplating whether or not to tell your father about your pregnancy. 'It's okay; I got this' You thought to yourself as you hit the call button.

"Hello..? Dad it's me, Y/N."

"Didn't I tell you never to call me again?" a stern voice responded.

"Ah, ne, but this is really important appa."

"What could you say that could possibly be more important than Hayley and Sarah, my two favorite girls?"

Your heart stung as you held back your tears. Jin entered the bedroom as you sniffled, giving you a concerned look. Jin had already known that you were calling your father; he always questioned why you hung onto him even after he had started a new family, leaving you behind.

"Appa, please just listen-.."

"Why do you keep insisting on calling me 'Appa' I'm not your 'Appa'. You're only here on this Earth because your mom was a skank."

Nothing could've ever broken your heart more. It was only then you saw Jin snatch your phone away with a pissed expression.

"Look here douche; Y/N is trying to tell her father that she's pregnant with my kid, but it seems like you're too busy with Hayley and Sarah to actually give a shit. Allow me to tell you something straight: Y/N doesn't need you and never will. You're lucky that she's too emotionally broken to let go of you, but I guarantee you that once she has that baby, you will never get to see him/her because you just lost your chance. Have fun with Hayley and Sarah, dick,"Jin ended the call and placed the phone on the nightstand anger evident in his facial features.

"Y/N, why do you keep on trying to cling onto him?" Jin asked.

You stayed silent, asking yourself the same thing.

"I guess I'll just have to make you forget about him eh?" he playfully asked. He pulled you into his embrace and started nibbling on your ear. You gasped lightly at the feeling of him grazing his teeth over your sweet spot. His hand slid under your shirt and started playing with your sensitive breast. With all of the sudden passionate sensations you were feeling, the ring slid onto your ring finger almost went unnoticed. You gasped and looked down at your left hand. Jin pulled away keeping his arms around your waist. "What do you say? We'll have more time to make you forget about that douche if you say yes."

You slammed your lips onto his before breaking away and giving a slight nod.

"I think I suddenly forgot."

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