(GOT7 & BTS)Mark (Ft. Yoongi)//Something to Say

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"Aish, there he is again cuddling with Mira; that boy is rather blind for not seeing you as his soulmate," Minah scoffed as she eyed Mark and the girl on his lap.

"Yah, don't let it bother you; I doubt he ever saw me as an actual woman," you sighed as you rested your head on your palm.

"Yet he sees Mira as one? If anything, Mira isn't even half a woman. I bet that hoe showers naked."

"Hey, everyone showers naked! And you shouldn't talk bad about your stepsister," you lectured.

"As if you're to talk! You always badmouth your stepsister!" Minah stated. Sadly, this was true, but you wouldn't have to complain about her every so often if she wasn't such a bitch.

"You're right; we should badmouth them together, and then punch them," you glared at Mark's seat as they were no longer sucking faces there.

"Punch who?" Mark asked curiously with Mira right beside him arms crossed.

"No one. Hey, Minah I'm going to go to the restroom. Can you watch my stuff?" you abruptly got up from your chair and started heading for the door. Minah glared at Mark and Mira as only Mira returned the same glare.


'Ugh, I hate him! Why does he have to date her? Even after all of the things I told him about her, he ignores me and then has the nerve the act as if nothing happened?' You thought as you walked down the hallways.

"Y/N, wait!" you could hear Mark's voice echo down the hallway. You walked faster, but the footsteps were heavier and faster than yours.

Mark grabbed your shoulder and you turned abrupty, "What?" you harshly said.

"Are you okay? You seem a little angry" Mark asked.

"Gwenchana," you replied.

"You're lying," Mark stated not letting his hand off your shoulder.

"If you knew I'd lie, why would you ask in the first place?"

"What did I do wrong?" Mark asked ignoring your question.

"I don't know."

"You're lying again! Y/N, you'd never lie to me,"

"And you'd never hurt me!" you yelled.

"W-What?" Mark asked shocked.

"Just forget it, okay? Go back to class; you're going to be late," you replied shrugging his hand off your shoulder.

"You're going to be late too!" Mark exclaimed walking hot on your trail.

"You can't be late to something if you never show up," you shrugged your shoulders heading towards the school's roof.

"What? Y/N, that doesn't even make sense! C'mon, we're going back."

"You mean you're going back; I'm staying here," you replied opening the door and walking onto the roof.

"You never skip classes!"

"Get used to it," you sighed and sat down enjoying the view of busy cars.

"Oppa!" Mira called opening the door and ran to Mark's side.

"Oh, Mira!" Mark excitedly said. Mira started hugging Mark as he put his arm around her.

"Aish, I'm going to be sick. Guys, I came here first therefore, if you're going to be lovey dovey and all that shit, I suggest you guys leave. Either that, or I'll personally hurdle myself off this roof," you snapped.

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