(ASTRO)Cha Eunwoo//Studying

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(This is going to be based of a scene from the K-Drama I Have A Lover)

I think this ended up being a whole lot shorter than I planned omg.

Eunwoo sighed as he sneaked a peek at you from the side of the wall of books that separated you from him as you studied

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Eunwoo sighed as he sneaked a peek at you from the side of the wall of books that separated you from him as you studied. On that wall, a sticky note read, "Stay away Cha Eunwoo!!!"

One by one, you'd take a book from the tower and place it next to you after writing down important information about it, and at this point, more and more of you is revealed.

Eunwoo, being the 'slickest' boyfriend in the world, jumped onto the desk and leaned down to kiss you.

"Yah!" you yelled looking around to see many eyes on yours. When your eyes went back to Eunwoo, he was innocently looking at you as he sat in his chair.

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