Chapter Nine

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I woke up early on Wednesday, because I should pack my suitcase. After I washed my face, I went and I ate fitness cereal for breakfast. After that I went to the gym of our house. Our house was too big. I was wearing my black Nike sport pants and my black sport bra. After that I went and took a shower. I went and drank a cup of tea with my parents. After that my dad went to his job and I went to pack my suitcase. First of all I wrote a list of the things that I should take with myself.


1) Clothes

2) Comb, spray, perfume

3) Phone and camera + Charges

4) Toothbrush and shampoo

5) Nail clipper

6) Swimsuit

7) Bra and panties

8) Just a pad

I hated taking bags with myself so I never took bag or if it was necessary I used rucksack. I loved rucksacks but I really hated bags. So I took a suit case and a rucksack. I put my clothes, toothbrush, shampoo, nail scissors, swimsuit and bra and panties in my suit case. And I put a jacket, camera and chargers, pad, comb, spray and perfume in my rucksack. I was ready for the trip. I just had to take money.

It was Wednesday, and I had orchestra class. So I went to play piano. After playing for two hours I looked at the clock. It was 2:00 P.M. so I went to sleep. I put alarm for 4:45 p.m. and I slept for hours.


I woke up by the sound of my alarm. It was 4:45 p.m. so I washed my face and got ready. I told my mom that maybe I hang out with Harry after class and she nodded. I walked to the class. When I arrived there it was 4:55 p.m. . I went to to the hall But Harry wasn't there. I was worried so I called him several times, but he didn't answer. I didn't want to miss the class, so I went to class. But all the time I was thinking about him. After class I called him again. His dad answered his phone after 2 rings.

"Hi, Emily." He said.

"Hi. Where's Harry?"

"Um, actually. He's in hospital."

"What?" I was shocked.

"Don't worry, it's nothing. He just had a bit dizzies, so we brought him to hospital. But it's nothing. They injected the serum."

"Oh my God. Which hospital? I'm coming."

"No, no, no. you don't need to come."

"But I want."

So I took a taxi to the hospital. I called my mom and I told her that I'll be a bit late tonight, and she said that it was okay. I know it was just a dizzy, but it was rude if I didn't went there. Plus I was worried. After that I found Harry lying on the bed. His parents were standing beside his bed. I went and I said hello to them, and I hugged his mom. Harry was sleeping. They said that his serum will finish half an hour later. After 15 minutes, Harry woke up. He was like a beautiful angel. He wasn't well, I understood this from his eyes. :(

"Hi, Harry. Are you better?" I said and I took his hand. "Hi, Emily. Yeah, but I still have a bit dizzy." "Doctor said after your serum finishes, you'll be okay." Said his mom. "I was worried a lot. Cause I knew that you love music so much, and I knew that you'll never miss orchestra class. When I saw that your chair was empty I was really worried." "Sorry." "Don't be sorry." I said and I stood up to call Ben that the trip is cancelled, but Harry told me that he'll be okay and it's nothing. So the rest of the timeI talked about what happened in orchestra class. After his serum finished, we went to his dad's car.

When we arrived to their house, his mom invited me to eat dinner with them, and I accepted it. After we ate our dinner Harry and I went to his room. We sat on his bed. "I'm so happy, I can't wait for tomorrow. Just 12 hours to go." He smiled and I laughed at him. "Have you packed your suitcase?" I asked. "No. I'll pack later." "When? Come on. I'll help you too. First you should write a list from the things that you should take."I said while i was searching for a paper and pen. "What?" he raised his eyebrow and laughed. "Come on. Don't laugh. I'm serious." I said and I rolled my eyes. "Okay, okay. Let's write. 1)clothes 2)um. I don't know. I can't write. Let's pack." "Ugh. Okay." I said. He took everything he needed for trip. After he finished I watched the clock. It was 9. So I stood up and hugged Harry. "Be more careful, please." I whispered in his ears and he smiled. My dad came and took me. After I went home I lied on my bed. While I was thinking about the trip I slept.

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