Chapter 5

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Riker's POV

We just came back to our hotel room from lunch and it was like totally awesome! We went for an all you can eat buffet and the food was splendid!

And what's more is, the hotel we're staying in is awesomer. The room is huge, the biggest one on the whole of level 5 for those who want a bigger room so yeah

AND, our hotel room number is "05-R5"! Like how cool is that? It's like a coincidence yet not!

Back to the present, all 6 of us are playing Apple to Apple. Well 5 of them, I'm just watching. Trust me, watching my family play is so entertaining

Rocky: Okay, so that's Rydel's

He slips Rydel a card

Rydel: But I already got a card

Rocky: Oh okay. Okay so that's mine

Ross chuckles softly

Rocky: That's Ryland's

Ross chuckles slightly louder

Rocky: And that's Shor's

Ross starts laughing and clapping like a retarded seal like he did in the 5th R5TV episode

Hearing his laughter, we all break out into fits of laughter as well

Soon after we manage to stop, we hear someone else outside laugh super loudly and it sounded more like a donkey braying because it was all muffled and it sounded like the poor fella was trying to talk but failed repeatedly

And we were in fits of laughter again

Me: Haha. Some laughter huh?

Ross: But nothing beats this guy's!

Me: Of course dude! You still have that signature laugh that, according to YouTube comments, make people wanna hit rewind over 60 times

Ross: Well, it's a gift. What can I say?

Ratliff: You can say that mustaches are funnier!

Ryland: Haha. Random much Ell?

Me: Yeah... Hey, when do our Bring Me To R5 victors come?

Then there was a knock on the door

Rydel and Ratliff made a break to the door and strangely, Rydel made it there first

It was Janee from Pop Gazelle Beat

Janee: Hey guys! The winners are staying in the hotel room next to yours. Don't even try to go over and say hi. Wait until after tomorrow after the sound check. They need their rest after what they've been through. Bye!

Rydel: Got it! Bye!

Rydel said shutting the door

The victors are staying next to us eh? Hmm... Cool! Sad we can't show ourselves to them just yet though. Oh well, good things will come to those who wait

It's 1:23AM here in Singapore, in the morning and I'm dozing off. Dayum...

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