Chapter 4

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  The plane ride was quicker than I thought. We went up, kids said ooo and ahh at the clouds and the sights and then we were landing.

  I had used this time to get some shut eye so that I could refresh myself before having my first day in Florida. I wish that the trip had been longer so that I could have slept longer, but when the attendant’s voice came over the system explaining that we would be landing in just a few minutes I realized that I actually didn't need it. I forced my eyes open and blinked repeatedly to clear my vision to see the ugly gray tray table folded up against the patterned blue chair in front of me.

  "Well I hope ya had a good nap." The voice speaking sounded extremely close to me and I shifted my head to be met with a white and flawless neck. Realizing that I could have crazy hair or bad breath I shoved away from my seat buddy and ran my fingers through my hair, discovering a few knots and then brushing my hand past my mouth in case I had drooled.

  "Oh no, yeah I slept fine, it was fine I mean." I cleared my throat to try and find my voice and mentally kicked myself for sounding so stupid. Then I reached under my seat to dig in my purse for a stick of gum and thankfully finding some, I looked to Niall and offered him a piece. 

  He smiled brightly and took the rectangle of Trident while I sat there and gawked at him. His smile had lit up his whole face, causing his gorgeous blue eyes to jump and sparkle. It was when those exact eyes were level with mine that I figured out I was staring and I occupied myself with putting the pack of gum in a specific pocket in my purse as a blush threatened to creep up my chest.

  "Oh an I hope tat I was comfortable enough fur ya." There was nothing but joking in his voice, but I still heated up as I felt the red blush spread across my chest.

  Turning to look at him as there was shuffling around us I searched for more coherent words to make up for my lack of them. "I am so sorry; I did not even realize that I was leaning on you." Now that my headache had calmed down, I could finally get a full look at this kid, and my God he was beautiful.

  Niall waved a hand my way as he ducked under his seat to grab his carry-on bag. "Don't worry about it; you were out an snoring before we were even in ta air." The red hit my neck and crawled up to my cheeks at the idea of me snoring into the shoulder of this hot stranger. But he seemed totally oblivious to my inner turmoil because he simply took his time turning on his phone and putting away his headphones as if buzzed girls slept on his shoulder all the time.

  "Well for what it is are very very comfy." I sent a small smile his way, and he let out a laugh causing my insides to clench and my mind to turn to mush.

  He stood up, but noticing that he was too tall, rested his knee on the seat and ducked his head. "I don't get told that often, so thank you. I just hope tat the next time we are with each other dere isn't sleeping." He finished his statement with a tiny chuckle and he smiled at the ground instead of taking in my shocked and red face.

P   A  U  S  E

  Was this Irish hottie throwing hints that he wanted to do an activity together that didn't involve sleeping because I have about ten that I could come up with...

  "I guess we will have to wait and see then now won't we?" I grabbed my bag and slid out of my seat then took a step back to allow him to go first. Niall shot me a huge grin, chucked his bag over his shoulder with ease, and headed to the front of the plane as I watched his toned back muscles work to sustain the new weight.

  "Helloo earth to Kenz, is anyone home?" Simone's playful voice beat into my still sore head and I spun around stare at her and Dylan's waiting smiles.

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