Chapter 2

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  We pulled into the large U drive way belonging to Simone and I reached over to honk the horn a bazillion times as Dylan hooted and hollered from the open window. Finally I saw that cute caramel colored face pop up in the window next to the front door and knowing exactly who it was, a huge gin broke out on her face. Her head disappeared from the window but in the next second the front door was thrown open and her parents stood in front of it laughing and waving towards me and Dylan, clearly amused at our enthusiasm. We stopped our shouting and sent energetic waves to Simone's parents as their daughter hauled her bags out of her house and approached the car.

  We didn't even bother to get out and help her because we already know that she wouldn't let us anyway. Simone was one of the most independent people I knew, honestly if you looked the word up in the dictionary, her smiling face would be right next to it.

  I leaned out of my window and shot her a sloppy smile. "Hey there cutie!" I could already feel the buzz hitting my brain and my usual manners flying out of my body.

  "Oh Lord. Dill, did you let her start the party already?" She shoved her bags in the middle seat and then jumped in and slammed the door behind her. She glued on a smile, waved to her parents, and sent air kisses as we exited from the other side of the U to continue back on our journey.

  "Hey, it wasn't my fault! She tried to hide it, but we both know that if she is gonna do it, she is gonna do it." He shrugged his shoulders, in a what-can-we-do way. I looked back and forth between them and cleared my throat.

  "Ummm, why are you talking as if I am not here?" I crossed my arms and gave them both a look. But the second I tried to keep a straight face, I dissolved into giggles and I could hear a groan from the backseat.

  The only other person who hated my drinking habits more than Dylan was Simone, and I knew it was only because they loved me, but this was just a battle they would never win.

  "We are talking as if you aren't here because you aren't. When you get like this it isn't as if you listen to us anyway." Her heart shaped face came into view between the seats and her dark hair fell into her face.

  I took a pause and then looked back to Mo. "Wait, what was that?" I tilted my head to the side and opened my eyes wide and she just scowled her mouth and punched me in the arm.

  "See! That's what I'm talking about!" There was clear irritation in her voice but I just fell into a fit of giggles again.

  "Calm down Mo! I was kidding! I promise you that I am fine, I am the same old me, just a little more fun." She shook her head, our nickname for her not even causing her to relax, and peered up at Dylan hoping for some help.

  He shot a look my way and let out a deep breath. "To be honest, I like you much more when you aren't a little more fun." I could feel my happy mood draining, and a pissed rage start to crawl up from my stomach.

  "WELL YOU KNOW WHAT," I knew I was yelling before I had opened my mouth, but I couldn't help myself.

  "All I know is that this is about to be the best year ever, and I can't wait for this trip to start." Simone placed a hand on my shoulder, her easy voice cooling me off a bit and I let the rest of my anger simmer down. Dylan changed the station and once some dubstep song began to fill the car all talk about drinking was over, and the hype vibe was back. I knew that my friends were only looking out for me, but sometimes it got to the point where it was just too much. I wasn't a little kid and I didn't need another set of parents breathing down my neck.

  The rest of the car ride was spent in that easy way that comes up whenever we hang out. Dylan cracked his stupid jokes and Simone laughed her high pitched squeal that sooner or later tapered off into just a silent giggle. My buzz still rang in my ears, but I was able to control it to the point that I wasn't being over the top and annoying.

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