Chapter 5

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  The whole time we were locked away behind the door of our new home, all Mo and I did was flutter around like butterflies with our heads chopped off. The word "party" tended to have that effect on us. We fell into the normal pattern that always preceded any event that we had to get ready for together. She let her cute face take up the whole mirror while I used my height to stand behind her and straighten out my slightly unruly hair.

  "Oh right missy. You have got some explaining to do." I snapped my straighter at her and waggled my eyebrows even though sections of my hair were in front of them so she couldn't get the full effect. Giggling, she sucked on the inside of her cheek for a second and backed up from the mirror with only one eye fully done and her foundation not blended in yet.

  "I don't know what to say Kenz." Her voice was quiet and soft; two adjectives that are never synonymous with my dear friend.

  Snapping my straighter at her again, I shook my head too, causing the sectioned pieces to fall back into place. "Well you better start making something up or babbling because clearly there is something to say about this." I loved that she was the one being hounded for information for once. It got tiring being the only one out of your friends who got into trouble and had stories to tell the next day...when I actually remembered them I mean.

  A faint blush tinged her cheeks and I couldn't stop myself from letting out the elementary school "ooooo" and poking her in the side until she was full out laughing. 

  "Okay, okay! Get that thing away from me!" She stepped so she was in the doorway of the bathroom and further away from my hot demon that continued to get quite close to her.

  She took a deep breath and leaned her hip against the frame of the door, setting her eyes even with mine. "I don't know what to say because...this is too good to be true." I opened my mouth to protest, because this was an age old conversation that I am sure we had at least once a week, but she raised her hand and shook her head no.

  "I don't mean that in a bad way. It is just that...I’m not used to it, and you know that I am not. So every time I see him my mind goes blann and all mushy and I can barely remember to breathe. I just don't want to mess up my first real good opportunity after...ya know." Her eyes squinted as if she was flashing back to the times that were basically unspoken of, and I kept my mouth shut because that was a whole other topic that she liked to try and erase from her memory. But when she had stayed too quiet for too long and her pearly white canine began to stab into her lip, I knew I had to say something.

  "Mo, you and I both know that what Ashton did was stupid and rude and he is an asshole. It’s not even a question. You really have got to stop blaming yourself for his doucheness." I jumbled and stumbled over my words, afraid they might set off a possible landmine. We so rarely talked about the events of her last relationship that it was almost like a foreign language when we did.

  I waited my eyes on the ground but looking up every few seconds to see where my words settled onto her. From the tension in her now crossed arms and the way that her whole lower lip was now sucked into her mouth, I knew that her defenses were up, and that what I had said had struck some nerve.

  Shit. I didn't want to deal with an upset bestie when we had bigger fish to fry.

  I was about to think of something witty or funny to say, when she dragged her eyes away from a spot on the counter and gave me a half smile. "I don't even want to think about it. I don't even think that I can. All I know is that I am going into...this Ryan thing," she witnessed me do a few pelvic thrusts at this and wagged a finger at me, "which I am not even sure is an actual thing for your information. But I am going to just go into it with my best foot forward and I’m not going to make it more than he wants to." She was looking at me and smiling and nodding her head as the words escaped her lips, yet I knew she wasn't saying them for my benefit.

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