Chapter 8

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  I sluggishly rolled off the brunette, the ugly feeling of shame already being to crawl on my sweaty skin. She had a satisfied smile on her too red lips as she tucked the sheets in around her body. I saw it as pointless because I had already seen all that there was to see.

  “That was,” she didn’t finish her sentence and I just gave a small grimace because the feelings weren’t mutual. She hadn’t been bad or anything, it was the pure fact she meant nothing to me. I had no connection to her whatsoever, fuck I didn’t even know her name, even though she had proceeded to moan mine since we had started making out. I raked my mind to try and remember when I even told her mine but that took too much effort so I focused on not trying to make this anymore awkward than it already was.

  “That was…yeah, it was something. Definitely something, yup.” I cringed at my lack of words and threw off the rumpled beige sheets while rubbing my jaw. My words hung in the air, waiting to be fixed, but I had no intention to do so. I quickly began to collect and shove on my scattered clothing as I eyed her purple thong and matching bra; all the while chewing on the inside of my lip. Deciding it was the only way to make some type of amends in this situation, I grabbed them and found her discarded skit and top in the other corner of the room and dropped them off at the bottom of the bed.

  “Well it was nice to meet you…” I blindly took a stab in the dark for her name remembering slightly that it had begun with a C, “Cathy. I’ll ya know…see you around.” I timidly raised my hand to wave goodbye before booking it to the door.

  As my fingers turned the nob her quiet voice hit my back. “It’s Cassie. My name’s Cassie.” My mind refused to believe that the voice that had basically been screaming my name minutes before was the same mousey one correcting me. I looked back over my shoulder, gave her a tight smile paired with a weak nod, before continuing my exit.

  The party had taken on a different tone since I had locked the wooden door behind Cassie and me. Instead of couples galore twerking and humping, things had calmed down to the point where everyone had broken off into groups or pairs and scattered themselves across what had been the dance floor. There was a dull thud behind my eyes as I maneuvered around lounging teens, and I snatched up the first drink I came across. I was in no mood to deal with a hangover so soon, and as the sweet drink rushed down my throat, it chased away the pain. As I held the cup like a crutch, I made my way towards the sliding door that was allowing icy water-air to flow through the sticky and sickly sweet home.

  Since the music was much softer I could actually hear the creak of the door before I turned to see Cassie scurry out of the room, fully clothed and much less bold than she was earlier. The ball of shame in my gut only grew and I pushed past one last group of people to exit the house.

  I needed some air.

  It wasn’t like me to be a dick after having sex with a girl; I really am a gentleman. But most of the girls I have gotten with I have at least hung out with once or twice before. This one second we meet, the next second we fuck thing wasn’t my style and I knew if I was back home this never would have happened. Well, maybe not never, but it would have been a lot less likely.

  I let out a pissed off grunt and guzzled down the remainder of my drink. My hype mood had flown out the window and I realized I had no desire to even be at there anymore until I heard hushed words replied to with a bark that trickled off into a silent chuckle. On the right, in one of the patio seats was a giggling Simone, snuggled up to Ryan, whose hands were freely rubbing up her bare legs. Their faces were close enough that whispers were enough to communicate and they both had easy smiles.

  I realized what I was doing only after I was doing it.

  “Hey, what’s going on over here?” I tried to be casual about it, but it came out too rough and harsh, almost accusatory. Mo looked me up and down, and even though she had alcohol in her system, she could tell something was up. Ryan kept his smile as he looked up at me, but his eyes clearly didn’t appreciate my presence.

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