Chapter 17

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Hi guys! I am so happy to be back to writing this story and I do hope that you guys are excited to be reading it again! So quick thing, I'm not sure how I want to portray Niall's accent so I know that previously it was spelled how I thought it sounds, but from here on out, it will just be spelled normally till I decide which I like more! Hope you enjoy this chapter where things only get more confusing hehe, enjoy!


I texted Niall to let him know that I would be waiting downstairs for him, not in the mood to face him after hearing how much of a good time he and Kenzie had had last night. It wasn't as if I should care, what Kenzie did with guys wasn't my business, even though she liked to retell every action in detail making it hard for it to not be my business. But for some reason, I physically couldn't have stayed in her room for a minute more. My stomach felt as if someone had just sucker punched me when I had taken in her bright and excited smile and although I was usually able to ignore that feeling, today I couldn't bear it. So I assumed that if that's how I felt simply listening to Kenz talk about Niall, then I'd be just as unhappy to be around him at the moment.

As I grabbed some breakfast and chatted easily to some of our other classmates, he replied saying that he would wait for the girls before coming down and I rolled my eyes before plopping into the seat closest to the doors to outside. I thought that not seeing Niall or Kenzie would leave me less irritated, but I realized that knowing that they were together, only made the sucker punch in my gut hurt that much more.

I scrolled through my social media as I dug into a bowl of cereal and a plate of eggs, politely liking all of the basic pictures on Instagram that people had taken of the beach and of themselves. I had just passed the fourth over-filtered photo with the caption "Life's a Beach" when I heard a familiar airy chuckle. Without even noticing it, my eyes rolled into the back of my head, my brain already placing who the chuckle belonged to. It was crazy that out of thirty seniors plus the other people in the hotel, I was easily able to identify who the sound had come from.

"Dawg, last night was craazyy." Ryan drew out the last word as he stuck out his tongue and laughed, high fiving Drew, the quarter back, who made a similar gesture in return. They and their little group were at least three or four tables away from me and thus, theoretically, I shouldn't have been able to hear a thing that they were saying. But due to their over inflated egos, they were talking quite loud, either believing that everyone cared about their "craazyy" night, or not caring that they were being disruptive.

"You're tell me! Ryan, that girl though." Drew didn't even finish his sentence, he just threw a look to the ceiling while holding onto his heart, her beauty being, I guess indescribable. Although I couldn't care less about what those two jocks did, my ears now perked up, interested in who this girl was.

Especially since I knew it wasn't Simone they were talking about.

And also seeing as it should have been Simone they were talking about since he was supposed to have been at the movies with her last night.

"Please don't remind me," Ryan released a sigh and ran his hand through his close cut hair. "But right now, I've got a mission to see through that should end up keeping me plenty busy." Drew and Ryan exchanged more handshakes and chuckles and I slowly bit into my apple to keep myself from saying any of my thoughts aloud. I was glad to hear that Ryan had behaved himself last night, but that still didn't explain why he hadn't hung out with Mo. And his comment of her "keeping him plenty busy" just left a bad taste in my mouth even as I swallowed the bite of apple I had chewed.

Ryan had a history of not being the best to girls and although he seemed to constantly have a girlfriend or be in some type of exclusive relationship, he was always looking around for the next best thing. Most girls didn't know his tactics and those that did chose to ignore them just for the chance to say they got with Thee Ryan Barns. But still, there was something about him that reminded me of a greasy car salesman. He knows he has something that girls want from him, and he knows that they have something he wants as well. He just always goes after a girl with an agenda, and I wasn't the biggest fan of having Mo be the next girl on his list.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2016 ⏰

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