Chapter 35

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Guys! This is it! The Final Chapter! First of all, I want to thank all of you who read my story! I can't believe I actually did it! Second of all, thanks to all who became followers, voted, commented,and liked my story I couldn't have done it without all. I hope you enjoy the ending, there won't be an epilougue but don't worry there is a second book which y'all can probably guess who it will be about. ;)



The Final Chapter: The Masquerade Ball

Melanie's POV

I woke up snuggled in the warm arms I had missed the most. Not wanting to get out of bed I snuggled deeper into the warmth. There was a happy sigh in my ear pulling me closer.

"Good morning beautiful," Dimitri whispered huskily in my ear.

His voice still thick with sleepiness made me shiver unconsciously.

"Morning handsome."

There was a cry from the twins's room. I groaned, "I'll get it."

"Thanks." I put on my robe remembering last night. It had been out first night together reunited.

* * *


We had just set the twins to sleep in their new bedroom. It had taken all week to unpack and a remodel one of the guest rooms. Last night it was finally complete and we could sleep in our beds without having to deal with trying not to squish the twins.

I collapsed on the bed exhausted. I felt the lights turn off as Dimitri went and opened the balcony doors.

"It's so hot," I complained sitting up.

"That's why I opened the doors."

He pulled me onto his lap massaging my shoulders.

"That's feels so nice," I moaned feeling something in his pjs harden.

He kissed my back followed by my shoulders which he shrugged off my straps from my night gown. I turned around letting him continue as he kissed my neck. Heat was the only word I could think of. The heat of bodies both released as we kissed. Heat radiating of our bodies as it became one.

* * *

Present day

I smiled heading to the room which was down the hall. I opened the door to an eerily quiet room. "That's strange" I thought. I peered over the cribs. They weren't there. In their place sat a note made up of letters from different magazines.


When you read this I'll be long gone with your babies. If you want them back you'll have to meet me at the masquerade ball.


"Dimitri!" I screamed.

"Melanie, what's wrong?!"

"They're gone," I wept handing him the note.

"Who's H?"


Isabella's POV

I sat in Adrian's apartment watching over the two things. As much as I wanted to kill them I couldn't. We had to go according to plan. We were going to finally get revenge. Adrian could get his revenge on Melanie while I dealt with Dimitri. I couldn't wait to see his face when he realized I was a full vampire. Rafael had turned me, and I had turned Adrian. I had told him we should killed the twins, but he said there'd be no fun in that. I could that wasn't the reason why. He was still in love with that brat and adored her babies.

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