Chapter 3

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*Sorry I haven't posted in a while I've been busy with school. Anyway here's chapter 3 enjoy!*

Chapter 3

*Dimitri's POV*

I walked out of Leonardo Giomatti's office feeling terrible. The person I was in that room was not me. It was who my father wanted me to be. The next in line of Giordano leaders. I was going to take my father's place after he died. But I didn't want this... I didn't want to be cruel and spend my life killing people. Not after what I had just faced; it had been my first task. The look on his face when he offered me his daughter. His face had gone pale the light in his brown eyes gone. He looked like he was carrying the whole world on his shoulders and was about to let go. I took pity on him and agreed without realizing what I had gotten myself into. I walked towards the elevator just as it was opening. My cell phone rang at that exact moment.

"Dimitri," the voice commanded, "meet me in my office in 30 minutes."

"Yes sir," I responded closing my phone. I hadn't noticed the girl that had walked out of the elevator. Just as the doors were closing I heard her say, "Hey Ava, I'm here to see my dad." I had just missed the opportunity to see my most likely future fiancée.

*Melanie's POV*

I walked out of the elevator and headed towards the front desk.

"Hey Emily, I'm here to see my dad."

"No prob Melanie. He's in his office. I'll buzz him letting him know your here."

"Thanks," I said putting on my name badge and hurried to my dad's office.

"Hey Dad," I walked in shutting the door behind me.

"Hi honey, please sit down." I sat down waiting for the "talk".

"Mel, there's something we need to talk about." I stopped fidgeting with my purse and looked at him. His tone of voice was not what I was expecting. It wasn't the usual business tone he had when we talked about important stuff. His kind of wavered a bit.

"What is it?" I asked eager to find out.

"Where going to have to suspend your college plans right now."


" Melanie I can't hide this anymore. The company's not doing well right now."

"Are we going bankrupt?"

"Well you could say that, but it's more like a contract I can't follow because of money shortages."

"So why isn't Giovanni here? Shouldn't he be to here this?"

"This doesn't affect him like it affects you."

"I don't understand."

"Honey," he walked in front pf his desk and kneeled in front of me while taking my hands in his.

"I'm going to ask you to do something for me, and I want you to think about it. Giordano Industry loaned me money, and I can't pay it back. The only thing they're willing to accept is joining our families together and becoming one giant family industry. They want an arranged marriage. They want you to marry their youngest son, Dimitri." I could feel my face drain of color. Married at 18? I hadn't even lived yet, but the look on my dad's face made me consider this.

"I'll do it Dad," I attempted to smile.

"Thank you honey," he kissed my forehead and hugged me," This won' be official until December 1, which gives you a month of freedom. We won't know all of the conditions they're ordering, so we'll just have to wait."

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