Chapter 12

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Sorry for the long wait on chapter 11! I was having sort of a writer's block. Anyway to make up for it here's chapter 12!


Chapter 12

Melanie's POV

I sat on the tall chair in the kitchen. There was no point in me eating in the dining room by myself. Dimitri had actually rejected me again. These past days I had stopped sleeping. I did not want Dimitri or Sofie to worry about me, but I knew that if I closed my eyes I would see himI didn't have the appetite for anything either. Each day I lost the hope to see my family, friends, and escape this prison he had me in. I knew he kept the doors locked so there was no point in trying to escape. At least not while he was in the house. 

"Ahem," someone cleared thier throat. I looked up. It was Dimitri with his chocolate eyes staring directly at me. I could feel the blush creeping into my cheeks. Why did this always happen when he was around? "Is it alright if I join you?" 

"Yeah, I guess," I mumbled. I knew he heard me. He served himself a plate and sat across from me. I took a bite of my unappetizing food not wanting to be awkward.

"So how was your day," he asked trying to start a conversation.

"It" he actually chuckled when I said that.

"If by fun you mean staying up all night and partying then I would totally buy that by the look of your face." I knew he was talking about the dark circles I tried to mask with make-up.

"You caught me," I threw my hands in the air signaling defeat he smiled showing his pearly whites. "I was dying of boredom like I told you I would be." 

"You know we can always change that," he smirked. 

"I don't think so," I said taking a sip of wine. 

"Aren"t you a little young to be drinking?" 

"Dimitri, we're Italians we always drink at the dinner table," I rolled my eyes, "I've been drinking since I was 15." He started laughing. I realized how bad that sounded. 

"Ok I did not mean it that way! You know it!" my outburst made him laugh harder. This way so embarrassing. I buried my face in my hands waiting for him to control his laughter and my face to stop burning. After what like seemed forever he stopped laughing. I peeked through my hands and sure enough he was just sitting there watching. 

"Are you finished?" I asked. 

"Yes, don't worry it won't happen again it was just the look on your face..was priceless." Sitting here I realized how this moment actually felt. It felt like this was a normal day as a normal married couple enjoying dinner and joking around. 

"How about we play twenty questions?" he asked  breaking the silence. 

"Sure," I smiled, "you first." 

"That's not fair,"

"It was your idea," I stated. 

"Fine, first question, what's your favorite color?"

"That's easy-lilac. What's yours?"

"Hmm.. I'd say blue. Ok next question. What did you think of when you first saw me?" 

"When I first saw you? Well..."I thought back to the day at the company, "I was surprised to see you at my dad's company. I didn't know who you were, then at the wedding. I was shocked to see that you were the one I was marrying. I was glad you were actually quite decent looking."

"Decent? I would hardly think that's the correct word to use with me."

"What would you use?" 

"I would use something along the lines of handsome or sexy." it was my turn to burst out laughing. 

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