Chapter 7

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Hey everyone! So I kinda ended short last chapter. I was gonna go on, but here it is!

Chapter 7: The Big Day (Contd)

Dimitri POV

"You may now kiss the bride."

Her heart fluttered faster as I wrapped my arms around her waist. She placed her hands slightly above my elbows. I tilted my head a little lower to meet her lips in return she raised her head helping me get there quicker. Our lips met and the guests clapped. Her lips were silky and soft. I would've explored her mouth, but she broke the kiss. She blushed deeply as we walked down the aisle rose petals falling from the sky, just as the sun was saying farewell.

Melanie POV

As we walked down the aisle I spotted Makayla who gave me a thumbs up and quickly looked away like I hadn't seen her. We walked past the gardens and my mom's grave. I glanced at it quickly, so Dimitri wouldn't notice, but he did. He hadn't taken his dark eyes off me since the kiss. He observed me until we arrived to the outdoor pavilion for the reception. The guests had followed us as well admiring the lavish pavilion. It was like a small rectangular country home. The two longer walls had 3 giant arched windows with white curtains. We entered through an arch like the windows that had white daisies, roses, lillies and all sorts of flowers circling the arch like vines. Everything was white and greeen with a hint of red just like had planned. Everything seemed so alive, but me. I felt as if this ws someone else's wedding and not mine. Every important family of the mafia sat at their assigned table that had their name plat next to a vanilla scented candle on a crystla plate surrounded by white cherry blossoms. Dimitri led me past the dance floor which had a giant crystal chandelier with cherry blossoms that had fake little lights in the center were hanging in every direction from the chandelier. Our table was next to the stage where the orchestra was getting ready and dj would arrive later. We sat at our decorated table with the name plate Mr. and Mrs. Giordano. I pulled hand free and sat down setting my bouquet down. I tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to seep out. 

I couldn't stand to look at anything. It was just a post-it note that reminded me I was married to a stranger. A  stranger that was sitting next to me.

"Melanie?" his voice startled me. It was firm with a hint of worry.

"Yes?" I weakly answered.

"Shall we dance? It doesn't seem like your going to eat." I hadn't even noticed the waiter setting it in front of me. It was my favorite chicken alfredo. My mom would make it all the time. I didn't want to be here. I should've been eating this in my home with my mother. Anger flashed through me.

"You know what? No, I wouldn't like to dance with you especially with someone like you." My words were cold as I glared at him. For a second I was about to take it back, but his words stopped me.

"Do you think I want to be here? Ha, please! I'd rather be anywhere else, but here with you."

It did hurt a little, and he continued.

"I'm only suggesting it, so people won't start to suspect that something's wrong."

"What could possibly be wrong?" I asked sarcastically.

"If we don't act like we're in "love" people will start suspecting about the marriage. No one knows it's arranged, so if people find out you're family's out of money, guess what? Bye, bye, Giomattis and you're out of the Family's group. Your father will lose everything." I looked away. I didn't want to admit it, but he was right. I finally gave in and took his hand. He signaled for the maestro of the orchestra to start. Annabelle, Dimitri's younger sister announced on the microphone, "The newlyweds will now dance their first dance as a wedding couple." We walked into the middle of the dance floor, and Dimitri took me into his arms.

"Watch it, not too close," I hissed in his ear.

"The closer the better," he smirked putting his hands around my waist forcing me to put my arms around his neck. As the orchestra played Butterfly Kisses I could see girls from other mafia families glaring at me with envy. Many girls would've died to be in my place, and I wouldn't have minded. I glanced at Dimitri's face every once in a while. I finally took the time to take in all his features. His dark brown hair and messy brown hair. He was actually very attractive. I thought about the our kiss it actually hadn't been that bad, but it had resurfaced old memories. I closed my eyes and quickly opened them again.

"Something wrong?"

"No, nothing," I lied. He had said we should act in "love", so I laid my head in the crook of his neck as I wasn't tall enough too reach any farther even with my heels. He laid his head on top of mine I could feel him inhaling my scent. A couple minutes later Annabelle announced the father daughter dance. Dimitri let go of me as my dad approached us. I could tell he was trying to appear happy, but it wasn't there. I felt like he was hiding something. Next thing I knew I was dancing with my dad. Our song. My Little Girl by Tim McGraw. It was beautiful as the orchestra played it. Of course Tim McGraw wasn't here to sing the beautiful lyrics. My dad sang them in my ear, making tears well up in my eyes. I felt so safe and reassured in my dad's arms. I didn't want this moment to end, but unfortunately it did.

"Mel I'm gonna miss you,"

"Oh Dad, don't start you're gonna make me start crying."

"You already made me," there were tears running down his cheeks like crystals. I wish they had been so we wouldn't have gotten into this situation. That was my breaking point. I just broke and let the tears come out. When the dance was over. I rushed to the bathrooms which were located outside the pavilion. My make-up had probably smeared. I couldn't look weak. I had to look strong. I hadn't notced, but someone had followed me.

*Who could it be?????*** More of the wedding in the next chapters sorry it's taking me so long.

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