Chapter 13

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I'm surprisingly in a writing mood! So here's a new chapter!


Chapter 13

Dimitri's POV

The next two days were hell. I hadn't left Melanie's side. Her condition was critical. She had almost been at a stage of hypothermia, but luckily I had gotten her home in time. I had called Elizabeth, my father's wife, to ask for advice as the nearest doctor was hours away, and it had stopped raining. Elizabeth was at a World Conference for Doctors in Europe and would not be able to come to my aide, but she told me exactly what to do with the help of Sofie. Sofie had just left to go to bed, and I was sitting in an armchair next to Melanie. Outside the dark clouds made the sky look a dark navy blue. The only light was Melanie's lamp on her night stand that flashed a dim light into the room. I held her hand to my face kissing it as a tear escaped my eye. This wasn't supposed to happen. Vampires could not cry, but of course me being half-vampire. It was possible. My human side was overpowering my vampire side.

"Melanie," I begged, "please wake up. I'm sorry for everything that has happened. If we hadn't gotten married you have had to be here in this condition. You would probably be modeling with a famous husband and kids that looked just like you. I would've been jealous of the lucky guy that married you, but then again I'm that guy. I'm the luckiest guy in the world. I barely know you, but I know you are special. So please wake up. I promise I'll try my hardest to make this relationship work and be the best husband in the world. Just wake up please. Don't even do it for me if you want. Do it for Leonardo, Giovanni, my sister. She's begun to call you her sister since the wedding. She absolutely adores you and so does Marco." I kissed her forehead and left to go to my office. I needed something to distract me. Work. That's what I needed. I had a load of work emailed to me from the office that I had left behind days ago. I occupied myself trying hard not to remember Melanie's lifeless face.


Melanie's POV

I could faintly hear someone talking to me. Was it an angel? It sounded like Dimitri pleading with me about something. I could hear him say "please just wake up, I'll try my hardest to make this relationship work and be the best husband in the world." Was this a dream? Dimitri was supposed to be working where was I? I concentrated so hard on opening my heavy eyelids they wouldn't budge. After what seemed like an eternity they opened, but no one was here. Had it been a dream? I struggled to sit up. My throat was burning, and I felt so sore. I removed my covers. I felt so sticky and gross. I needed a shower. I looked at my ankle. It looked a lot better than I remember it looking. I touched the soft carpeted floor and applied pressure with my left foot. It didn't hurt as much; it just felt sore. I walked to the bathroom and took a long refreshing bath. I changed into flannel pj bottoms and a gray tank top. I put on my lilac robe and walked out of the bathroom. What I didn't expect was to see Dimitri walking in looking like hell. His hair was all tousled like he had run his hands through it at least a million times and looked as if he hadn't gotten sleep in a while. He stopped when he saw my bed was empty and quickly looked at the bathroom door which is where I was standing in front of. He looked so relieved when he saw me. He ran towards me but stopped when he saw I backed away.

"Melanie," he breathed, "you're awake." I couldn't find my voice, as soon as I saw him I remembered how fast he had run in the woods. He wasn't possible to run that fast. He wasn't normal. He was a foot away looking at me with concern. "What's wrong?" I couldn't look at his eyes. He took a step forward , and I took a step back my back hitting the wall. Realization hit him. "You're afraid of me aren't you?" When I didn't answer he trapped me between the wall. I couldn't escape. "Melanie, look at me." I couldn't do it. "Look ," his finger coaxed my chin up forcing me to meet his dark eyes. "I would never hurt you."

"Were you ever going to tell me?" I asked once I had found my voice.

"Tell you what?"

"That-you're a vampire.." the last word had been a whisper. He dropped his hand from my chin. I had thought of what I had read from Twilight and Vampire Academy. It had made sense that he was a vampire. What else could he be? He didn't know what to tell me.

"Come sit down," he motioned at my small living room area in my room. I sat down in the recliner while he sat in the loveseat across from me. I pulled my legs into a cross legged position and waited for him to begin. "You weren't supposed to find out. Well, at least not so soon."


"I was afraid you would have freaked out." I kind of did inside. If only he knew how much fear he caused me. "I see you haven't really. Why not?"

"I don't know. I guess I'm like Bella." he chuckled at my response.

"So are you saying I'm Edward?" Personally he looked more like a Carlisle to me but with dark looks.

"I guess," I seemed more at ease now that the tension had left the room. He gave me a small smile. At that moment my growling stomach interuppted the silence. I had been unaware of the hunger until now. His smile got even bigger. I couldn't help but smile back.

"I'm guessing you're hungry."

"Yeah, a little."

"I'll go inform Sofie you're awake and have her bring you something."

"What time is it?" I asked remembering I was anaware of exactly how long I had been ill.

"It's nearly midnight," he answered looking at his watch. I quickly stood up, but forgot my ankle was still sore. I bit my lip holding back a ton of curses. I sat down again.

"Melanie, are you ok?" his eyebrows furrowed clearly concerned.

"Yeah, I'm ok" I said in a strained voice waiting for the pain to pass by. He had also sat down again. "Don't wake up Sofie. She's probably sleeping I don't want to bother her." I pleaded. He shook his head in amazement as he smiled.

"What?" I asked not understanding why he had shaken his head.

"It's just you're amazing. You have such a big heart. Here you are in pain and hungry after almost going into a comatose stage putting others needs in front of yours. It's just amazing." He said in amazement. I hadn't really thought of it as a big deal. I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Here," he said holding out his hand as he stood up, "let's go downstairs, and I'll fix you something to eat."

"Can you even cook?"

"There are many things you don't know about me Melanie," he smirked.

"I don't wanna know. I've found out way more than I needed to," I said taking his hand. I was about to take a step when suddenly he lifted me bridal style. "Dimitri!" I said surprised, "You scarred me!"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," my arms had found their way to his neck as if naturally. I hadn't noticed until then, but our faces were inches apart. I looked at his lips then his eyes. He had been doing the same. I could feel our faces inching closer and closer. I closed my eyes as our lips contacted. It began slowly and timidly, but soon things started to heat up. His tounge was begging for my mouth to grant it access, and I gave in. He pulled my body closer slowly walking towards my bed. He placed me down gently never moving away from my mouth. His hands roamed my body. This was so pleasant, it was nothing compared to when he had done it. Then as if he had read my mind Dimitri was off of me in a flash. I sat up trying to catch my breath.

"What's wrong?" I asked confused.

"This, this is wrong. I'm sorry Melanie this shouldn't have happened. I'll go get you your food." That was his explanation as he left my room. I fell back onto the bed. My hand running through my wet hair. What had just happened? Had he rejected me again? Tears were threatening to spill. I couldn't stand being rejected anymore. Was I just that unpleasing? If he didn't want me. I would have to start changing. I was going to have to give up on my dream of being a happy married couple. Things were going to have to start changing fast before my heart began to break.

****Dun dun dun! What's gonna happen next? Will upload next chapter as soon as I can with Dimitri's POV*****

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