Death's Door - Part 24

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...Darkness... a forever darkness, it seems to consume us in the ever reaches of our hearts and it claws at our minds. The darkness is like a void... a demon... a monster... it draws us in and tears us apart devouring the happiness and joy we strive to attain.

Lumen Dusk, otherwise known as Ivel Mertens, had been falling through the darkness for months now. He had fallen into the seemly bottomless pit and while he continues to fall the world around him flies by. Occasionally he would see what he came to call 'light glimpses'. In these glimpses he could see whole worlds from start to finish live out. It began with darkness and then ended with darkness. The darkness seemed every lasting but the lights they barely began to shine when they were extinguished by the spreading darkness.

"...How long have I been falling?... When was the last time I saw the light?..."

"Did I not make it after all.. well... it's not like I deserve to live anyway... I already don't belong in this world... and my twin... my sister... Dawn was it?... She wants to kill me... I wonder where I failed her... maybe she can be happy now..."

Lumen eyes suddenly struggled to see as a red light invaded his vision.

"Well... It's not like I was getting any younger." The light surrounded Lumen and he felt all his fear, all his pain and all his worries fade away.

6 Months Earlier - Finn, Lily, Bubba and Death

"Daddy... Uncle Bubby"

"Yes dear"

"There's a weird skeleton guy in the corner"

"Death" Was all Finn said.

Finn, Lily and Bubba all stared at Death who realising that they had stopped talking and had noticed his presence decided to take off his hat and take a bow.

"I, Death, would like to apologise for intruding in your home unannounced however I come bearing important news that needs to meet your attention". Finn looked at the other two who didn't look like they knew what to say so he decided to take the initiative and spoke to the 'weird skeleton'.

"Ermm... Yo Death whats with the weird linguo and what news? You never come to the surface without being made to?". Death looked at Finn with his hollow eyes and then smiled at the human. As much as Death tried to deny it to himself he enjoyed the interactions in the past he'd had with this life form and although his work load seemed to increase he found it pleasant to 'interview' the villains and bad guys that Finn sent to the depths of the dead worlds.

"Finn you may not have noted but I am a being of a higher order so the way I address you is exactly as it should be. It is like the sun being compared to a candle you do not compare but in our presence we have a fine example of your use, a beautiful princess of the flame and the descendant of a dear friend of mine so I will speak when greeting her in a tone that reflects her status... unlike you... mortal".

Seeing that Finn looked like he was about to rise to Death's challenge Bubba decided to try to defuse the situation before Death decided Finn's life wasn't worth as much as it should do.

"Lord Death, I beg your pardon, but could you please tell us of this news of which you speak."

"Gum brat of another world I expect your pardon but you are worth less than the mortal brat in my eyes so do not speak to me again". Bubba was dumbfounded, he had always had a friendly relationship with Lady Death of his world and judging by the look on Finn's face Bubba could tell that Death's rudeness was something even he hadn't experienced.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2015 ⏰

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