35. Huntress

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"Oh, I'm sorry, Darling," the blonde woman stated, dagger balanced carefully on the tip of her finger. "It sounded like you told me I missed my target." She sat in the boardroom at the head of the rectangular table, her feet clad in heavy leather boots and placed casually on the dark wood. From her age, none would guess that she held so much power here. At least, no one from outside the organization would guess it.

Anyone familiar with the building and the people inside it for even a day understood that this young woman was at the top of the pecking order. Everyone reported to her, obeyed her, because if they didn't, she could make them disappear, very, very easily.

Or, if she wished to make a statement, she could make a gruesome show of their insubordinance.

"I'm not questioning you, but the fact is that we've received reports of her being alive and-." The man stuttered under the pressure of speaking to her, and her eyes shot towards him, the dagger falling off her finger and into her hand in a split second, flung from her palm just as quickly.

The poor man didn't even have time to react before the blade sliced through the edge of his ear and lodged itself into the wall behind him. Obviously, 'don't shoot the messenger' wasn't a term she was familiar with.

"What the hell do you mean she's alive? I killed her years ago!" With a scowl, she stood, slamming her palms on the table. "When did you find out about this?"

"Just a few hours ago, Ma'am, we had to confirm it before-."

"I'm just hearing about it now?" She strode across the room, slamming the man against the wall roughly, glaring at him, her voice becoming a low growl. "Where. Is. She?"

"N-Nevada, Ma'am, that's our last bit of intel."

He held the papers up, his hands shaking. She swiped the documents from him angrily, looking over the details, the town, the coordinates of the sighting.

"What the hell is that wench doing in Jasper, Nevada?" She smirked after a moment, chuckling. "Trying to hide from me, are you? Oh, Sweetheart, you can run, but you certainly can't hide." On the last page, she had the image from a security camera. The photo showed a green Toyota sports car, and inside were three female passengers.

"No, Darling, you certainly can't hide."


The howling was their first clue that they were being joined by some unexpected company. Blade smiled as the sounds came closer, the padding of metal on the rocky earth approaching quickly.

Marie and Lauren sat up, looking around, but Angel stayed lying down, a smile sweeping over her face. After a moment, the sisters realized who it was, and they quickly stood, looking toward the dust cloud in disbelief.

"Lithium!" Lauren called out with a grin, a howl answering her quickly.

"Steelpaw!" Marie shouted, and he called back with a bark.

In mere seconds, the wolves were upon them, Raven and NightFang leading the way, Copperclaw bringing up the rear. They were met warmly, Li and Mist greeting their favorite wolves in turn. They'd grown quite fond of them while they'd been training.

Steelpaw was an omega, and his laidback nature had instantly appealed to Mist's wariness of her new 'allies'. Mercury stayed near Lithium as Li climbed on top of the female beta, nuzzling into her. As a predacon, or, half-predacon, she was immediately attracted to Lithium's sharp attitude and rough nature.

Fang nuzzled his mate and fellow alpha for a moment before Raven transformed, walking over to where Angel and I sat. "So how've you guys been?" She asked, a smile on her face. "Haven't seen you in a while."

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