53. Knight

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Optimus and I spent that night together, but it was unlike each one prior. But the struggle with the Decepticons was growing. Optimus had now been my first.

And Megatron had broken through again, more furious than I have ever seen him. He just . . . knew. And I was trapped with him. He'd learned a new trick to hold me.

At the moment, I was pinned to a wall, my body off the ground, my intake valves being crushed, a fresh bruise already rising on my cheek.

AllSpark I thought I'd gotten rid of this maniac!

"You little harlot . . ." His voice was little more than a growl, and I could swear his optics glowed a deeper red than I'd ever seen them before. It was unsettling to see him this way. "How dare you!"

He threw me across the room, my body landing limply to the ground on my side. It had to be his doing. It had to be because of him that I was so weak-willed and helpless. My thoughts weren't processing right . . . like I was drugged . . .

I tried to shake it off, but before I could so much as stand he had me off the ground again.

"I was going to be your first to ensure you knew what true power was! I was going to make you see that no mech could ever compare to your lord and master! I was going to make you mine once and for all!"

I would have made some snappy retort, had my throat been capable of making a single utterance. Instead, I was stuck choking on air. I'd been stripped of even my dignity.

"I will still make you mine . . . whether it happens in this world or the real."

This world was more than real enough. I wondered if he really couldn't tell that the injuries he'd caused carried over to the conscious realm. But I couldn't imagine . . . couldn't imagine living through what he was talking of doing to me right now.

This could not happen . . .

The rope . . .

"You will never belong to another." His voice was a savage growl as he pinned me to the berth.

'Don't focus on that . . . pull on the rope . . . just pull the rope . . .' It took longer than usual to pull at that presence. It was so hard to do this with my processor lagging. 'Pull the rope . . . just pull on the rope . . .' Plating fell to the floor, but I kept my optics closed desperately. 'Pull the rope . . . you're so close . . .' Cold servos made my body seize. 'Pull the damn rope!'

"MEGATRON." Oh AllSpark, that voice. I knew that voice. And so did my assailant.

I felt Megatron's attention on my body cease, but kept my optics closed when the sounds of battle commenced. I heard Megatron taunt him, but I hardly paid attention to what he was saying. All I heard was something about 'see how willingly she gave in to me?

But I hadn't given in. Not at all. If I had, I wouldn't have brought him here. My savior. My knight.


I was so grateful he'd been asleep, instead of watching over me as he so often did. I laid there, forcing my optics to stay shut as metal clashed, and all I wanted to do was cry and cry and cry, the touches from Megatron had so disturbed me though they'd hardly done anything at all.

But they could have ended horribly. And that's what terrified me.

'Put up the wall, girl. Help Optimus. Help him win.' I had to summon my strength, all that I had at this point in time, and put it into forcing Megatron out as I had before. But I tried and tried and I still heard the clashing of metal.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2016 ⏰

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