3. Appearances

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        While SmokeScreen had been away, finding whatever it was he’d referred to as ‘the Forge’, I’d managed to get closer to Optimus. Much closer. Carefully, I’d managed to rest myself in the nook of his arm, savoring the closeness. I’d been terrified of hurting him, even in something that should be easy and painless, that I’d made the smallest of movements when edging closer to him. Now that I was next to him, I spent most of the precious time just watching the rise and fall of his chassis as he vented, knowing he was strained, but it signaled he was still online, though his optics were shuttered, closing that part of him off from the world. It made me uneasy to know he was in a different place mentally, but I would never give up on him.

        SmokeScreen returned after quite some time, with what I could only guess was ‘the Forge’. It looked very much so like an oversized hammer, or something similar. “Hey Blade, Optimus-!” He was dragging the weapon inside the underground cavern, but as much as I didn’t want to, I had to go.

        I held up my hand to stop him in his tracks, then carefully stood up, not wanting to disturb Optimus, but he was already reopening his optics. Every moment made my spark ache when I thought about leaving him. “Before you bring that thing in here, take me back to the surface.” Smokescreen gave me a questioning look but didn’t speak. “I would love to stay here, I really would, but I’ve got others looking for me.” It killed me to leave Optimus, but it was true. Raven was in danger. I’d healed, and she needed me.

        “Well, will you be coming back?” Smokescreen asked, studying me.

        I looked back at Optimus and felt my spark twist it’s chamber knowing I might not see him alive again. But I couldn’t think about that. He promised he’d try. “I’ll try my best, but I’ve got things to do with our other allies. If it were up to my spark . . .” I vented, unable to finish the thought.

        SmokeScreen complied and took me back to the surface, into the canyons. We waved goodbye and then I was off to find Raven, trying not to think about everything I was leaving behind.

        It didn’t take much to find the femme. Instinct led me straight to her, and now that the Decepticons had given up the chase, we made our way back to our comrades, keeping our vigilance in case of any excess engine noise that would signal further trouble. We’d made it back to our team by sunrise.

        JumpStart gave me a warm welcome in the form of a light embrace and a smile that made me feel guilty. NightFang voiced his disapproval with a warning growl and JumpStart released me, stepping back, his hands in obvious view in a show of submission. “Whoa, doggy, I’m not gonna hurt her.”

        Fang’s growling slowly faded but his audio receptors stayed pressed to his helm, and his fangs remained bared. Jay kept his distance for the next few hours, not wanting to aggravate NigtFang unnecessarily. Thankfully, we arrived at the hidden base before noon and the doors opened once we confirmed our identities.

        Inside, we found a distraught Vapor sitting on the floor but she was still functioning, working alongside MoonShadow, and they were tending to . . . Sparklings?

        Well, I didn’t have time to fully interpret that last bit, because suddenly, MoonShadow had transformed and it wasn’t the MoonShadow I barely knew anymore. It was a giant cyber-cat with wings, her teeth bared and her audio receptors flat against her helm, ready to fight.

        And the wolves were advancing on her, in obvious hunting mode. They were ready to strike any moment, barking and hissing filling the air. It was four on one. She didn’t have a chance against them in the numbers game. Certainly our comrades would help defend MoonShadow, but would it result in the destruction of someone’s spark?

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