Chapter 14

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"Well Cassie, after a long thought session with myself I have decided that maybe I will give Harry another chance with you."

I was sitting at the kitchen table along my uncle and Zayn. I don't know why Zayn was there but I have just stopped questioning a lot of odd things that have been happening. Like Niall was walking around in a princess dress. Didn't question him. Liam was dressed up like Batman. Didn't question him. Louis was watching tinker bell alone. Didn't question him. Harry was in my room looking at my shoes trying to see if they would fit him. Didn't... no I did question him. And Zayn was here with me and Simon.

But anyways Zayn told me that he confronted Simon with a statement about Harry an I and apparently it changes Simons opinion. I didn't ask Zayn what he said because of the whole no questioning thing but hey it worked! Of course Simon set up some basic rules like we can't be with each other 24/7 and our first date should be a double date. We also weren't allowed to e over at the boys house because of previous events that happened there. But we weren't alone that night. The rest of the boys were there too but I didn't mention that! But those events kind of led to the next rule. We are only allowed to stay over at Uncle Simons house if we were in separate rooms with the doors locked. Very simple rules right?

When I was allowed to go, I immediately went in the living room because that is where Harry was located. I told him and he hugged me and pulled me on his lap. In two days, on Friday, Harry and I would go out to a nice cafe with Zayn and Perrie. After talking for a little bit I apparently fell asleep on Harry's shoulder because Uncle Simon came in and told me it was probably time for me to go to bed.

This made everyone laugh about how it was ''past my bedtime so Harry picked me up over his shoulders. So i started kicking my legs and I guess I kicked him in the balls because he shrieked and this made everyone laughed harder. But Harry was still holding me and he whispered "You're gonna pay for that." I laughed and replied with an "Oh really?" He chuckled and he opened up my door and "Yep!"he replied popping the p.

He walked up to my bed and threw me down and started to "tuck me in" although that's not what I would call it. It was more of a me trying to get up while he held my shoulder down and tried to put the blankets over me whole we were both laughing hysterically. Eventually though I gave up and laid down.

"I need to get changed and stuff before I go to bed you know...." I said

"Fine." Harry said and I sprang out of bed. I pulled out a pair of short athletic shorts, a yellow tank top and a sports bra out of the drawer and then headed into the bathroom. I got changed and then opened the door. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and put my hair in a messy bun on the top of my head and then headed over to my dresser and laid my earrings there. I headed over to the bed where Harry was watching soccer and I plopped down very dramatically. Harry handed me the remote saying how we always watch 'football' and It was my turn to choose. I turned the tv to MTV and 16 and pregnant was on. Every Friday night back in North Dakota Merida, Elizabeth and I would watch this at my house. Harry looked at me confused and the. Shrugged and watched the show.

"You know, we could participate in acts that cause teen pregnancy." He said trying to sound seductive but he was trying not to laugh.

"Oh well when you put it like that it really makes me wanna have sex with you." I said sarcastically.

"Woo!!!!" Harry screamed

I rolled my eyes and he turned my head towards his and passionately kissed me. 

"You know I'm not having sex with you tonight right? Especially not when you threatened to get me pregnant or whatever that was."

"Dammit!" Harry yelled "but I can still kiss you right?" I nodded and kissed me and it ended up getting really heavy and he ended up on top of me when Louis walked in and screamed "WHOA I THINK I'M INTERRUPTING SOMETHING HERE!!!"

Harry once again told him to "fuck off." And Louis left. Harry moved next to me on the bed and he started humming twinkle twinkle little star. The. For some reason he started to describe the room to the tune of What makes you beautiful. He described the dark wood floor and the rug over in the corner. The lavender walls and the black and white comforter with purple swirls on it. I buried my head in his chest. I could smell the cologne on the T-shirt he was wearing. He started to kiss my head and then things really just progressed from there.

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