Chapter 40

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It was officially Friday. The day I get to leave this hellhole once again and see my Harry. Well, I leave tonight and will be in London tomorrow morningish but the point is that I get to see him soon.

I got dressed in my vintage Journey concert tee, courtesy of Louis this summer. I paired the shirt with light washed skinny jeans and my Grey Vans. I filled my books in my book bag and headed down stairs with my phone in hand.

1 New Message:

From: Harry <3


I smiled as I was walking down the steps an into the kitchen. There was a note on the counter.


I had to leave for work early. Have a great last day of the week. I will be home in time to take you to the airport

Love Mom

I left the not on the counter and started the coffee. To pass time, i decided to call Harry. Whenever I was on the phone at school people freaked out knowing who my boyfriend was and I wasn't in the mood to deal with those crazy people today. I just had to get today over with so that I could go home and pack and leave. When ever I talked to Merida and Elizabeth about leaving I felt this big string of guilt because I knew that Merida missed Niall more than anything even if they did talk to each other more often than Harry and I. Last night she came over and we skyped them but that made us want to see them more.

I called Harry and he answered immediately.

"Hey love! whats up?" he asked. There was this incredibly loud noise in the background.

"Nothing, just making a cup of coffee. What's that noise in the background?"

"Oh um sorry about that. We're on a plane on our way back from Sweden. Babe I have to go, the attendant lady's glaring at me telling me to turn of my phone. Call me when your plane lands okay?"

"OK. I love you Harry."

"I love you Cass." then the line went dead. I sighed and poured my coffee then headed off to school.


My morning was filled with boredom. By this point of the week everyone knew about Harry and I and Merida and Niall. There were endless, awkward questions about stuff that happened on dates , but the most frequently asked question was about the bedroom. During these questions I either laughed right in their faces or answered with a bitchy 'We havn't gotten that far yet. But thanks for implying that I'm a slut." Granted it was a flat out lie but I didn't the whole school knowing about me and my sex life.

"So how many times have you guys been asked so far today?" Elizabeth asked about the questions that I was thinking like two seconds ago.

"Like ten and it's only been through third period." Merida said rolling her eyes.

"Thirteen to be exact for me." I put my Styrofoam lunch tray full with nasty ass chicken nuggets and a "salad" drenched in ranch dressing. "God I can't even eat this."

"I bet Niall would." Merida frowned pushing her food around with a fork.

"Babe, you'll see him soon enough, I promise. The next months will fly by. Just keep busy and you will be fine." Elizabeth assured her and she nodded.

My phone buzzed and 'Back for you' started playing as Harry's face popped up on my screen. I smiled and hit the answer button. "Hey babe! What's up?"

"Hey! Nothing, I just figured since you were at lunch, I would call you!"

"Awe that's sweet Haz!" I said with a smile growing on my face

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