Chapter 21

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The next day was really awkward in the house. I got up and went downstairs. Harry was still sleeping and so were the rest of the boys so I decided to cook breakfast. I decided to make blueberry pancakes. I walked over to the counter where there was an iHome and I plugged my phone in and put my iPod on shuffle. Demi's new album was on. I got out the ingredients and started to make the pancakes while humming to Made in the USA.

I made about twenty pancakes knowing that that probably wouldn't be enough but I would start out with that. I put a pot of coffee on and sat down at the counter with my two pancakes and a cup of yogurt with fruit. As I started eating Niall and Harry came downstairs. "Wow Haz, she's pretty and can cook? You better keep her around!"

Harry laughed "Hey Niall, She's all mine." He said while wraping his arms around me and kissing my neck. He pulled away and got his four panckakes. Niall had a pile of six on his plate.

"Well, There's twelve pancakes and we still have three more people to feed." I rolled my eyes.

"I'll make the rest babe." Harry said

"Good, now can you get me some coffee too?"

"Fine." He groaned. He took the coffee pot off and poured some in a cup. He put some of the Carmel creamer in it knowing that that was my favorite and then handed it to me. "Thank you sir!" I said.

"Anything for you!"

Harry sat down at the counter next to me and Niall was on the other side of the counter. We talked while we ate and all was fine. Louis and Liam came downstairs next and took the rest of the pancakes. I had another cup of coffee and they all laughed at me telling me how coffee stunts my growth and that was why I was so short. All was fine until the last person came downstairs. Harry put his arm around my shoulders. I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Oh, you stayed the night again?" He asked very snobily

"Yeah." I answered really short

Zayn had a pretty big bruise on the side of his face. He looked around looking for the food and Louis pointed to the rest of the pancake mix on the counter. Zayn  made his pancakes in silent and then went upstairs to eat away from all of us. We were all pretty silent for a few minutes to make sure that he still wasn't listening.

"Well, you could just about cut the tension in the room with a knife there." Liam said breaking the silence

"Yep." Louis said popping his P

"So, what exactly did I miss last night?" Niall asked. I almost forgot that he wasn't here. He was busy on his date with Merida.

"Zayn kissed me at the hospital. I came home and told Harry, then Zayn came home and called me a bitch and Harry punched him in the jaw."

Niall was shocked by my explanation. "Wow, I missed a lot."

We all nodded "So how was your date with Merida?" Liam asked

"It was pretty good mate. I really like her. The only downside of the night was she kindly declined my Nandos offer which I found reasonable."

"So where did you go?"

"Some Japanese restaurant downtown. Then we went to see that World War Z movie which was good. And we went to a park and walked around for a bit. I ended up getting home around midnight."

"Hey Niall," I said and he looked at me "Don't break her heart. She's my baby. Oh and don't get her pregnant. Cause she's my baby."

He laughed and promised that he wouldn't get her pregnent. I got up to do the dishes and all the boys got up to help. "GUYS!" I yelled

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