Chapter 32

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After we were done unwrapping presents My mom had prepared dinner as it was running on five. We all sat down at the dinning room table and I remembered what had happened just the previous night at this table. This is where Harry practically told management to fuck off and leave the two of us alone.

With it being my birthday, I got my food first. It was my favorite. Homemade beef ravioli with marinara sauce. This was my mother's specialty. Honestly I think this the only thing that she cooked so that it tasted well. There was store-bought garlic bread in a basket on the table and a salad. My mother was obsessed with having veggies with every meal.

I felt really bad eating before everyone else had their food but it looked so good that I couldn't wait to eat it. I cut the first piece of ravioli into fourths and ate one of the smaller pieces that I had created. I smiled at my mom with my first bite because of how good it was. "Mom, this is so good!" I appraised her and she smiled back at me

"Only the best for my birthday girl. You're officially an adult now. You can vote,and buy stuff on QVC because you have to be eighteen to do that. And... well I think that's about it." I could tell that she was scanning her brain to see if there was anything else that I could do but she couldn't think of anything else and neither could I. Obviously Niall thought of one as he said "Oh!" really loud and we all looked at him giving him permission to go on.

"Cass. You're eighteen. That means you can drink now!" He said excitedly

"Yeah. Here. But not in the states." I laughed at his excitement.

"But, you are here! We have a tradition here in this group and you should really consider following it to make us happy!" Niall laughed

"Niall, don't make her do anything she doesn't want to do." Harry said. I really didn't know what was going on. I was so focused on my food.

"What's this "tradition"?" I asked really wondering now.

"Well, the five of us have all been together through most of eachother's eighteenth birthdays. So starting with Zayn because we didn't know Louis yet on his birthday, we all go to a club or a bar and the birthday person takes a shot of alcohol. It doesn't matter what kind of alcohol but you just take one shot. You don't have to get waisted although I did." Niall said with a smile obviously remembering his eighteenth birthday.

"But you don't have to if you don't want to." Harry said giving me a reassuring smile.

I looked over at my mom and she shrugged "Hun, I was out partying and drinking at age sixteen. So if you want to go out and take a shot go ahead. It's at least legal here!"

I sighed "Yeah, I'll go." I said looking at Harry and he nodded.

"I'll stay with you the whole time." Harry said giving my thigh a slight squeeze. He only said it loud enough for me to hear.

"And I'm eighteen so I can go too!" Merida said excitedly without realizing what she had just done. Elizabeth wasn't eighteen yet.

Liam answered us as though he was reading our minds. "In order to get into a club or bar here you only have to be sixteen. You just can't drink."

Elizabeth looked very excited. We all finished our food and then my mom brought out an ice cream cake. The cake was set in front of me and I smiled for a picture like I do every year for my mother. They all sang Happy Birthday to me and Louis and Zayn thought that it would be a good idea to sing in opera so I was cracking up the whole time. I blew out my candles not knowing what to wish for because all of my wishes have come true. I get to go on tour with my amazing boyfriend so that I don't have to be away from him for eight months. What else could I ask for? I blew out almost all of my candles but four still remained lit. Louis screamed out "Awe you're going to have four children!" and I smiled remembering the late night conversation I had with Harry not too long ago about how if we ever got married we would have two boys and two girls. I blew out the remaining candles and everyone clapped and Simon got out a knife and cut the cake. I ate my piece in no time and so did everyone else. We all headed upstairs then to get ready to go out. Harry and I went into my room.

"You know, we don't have to go if you don't want to." Harry said sitting next to me on the bed

"Nah I'll be fine."

"But if the whole 'club scene' gets to be too much we can leave at anytime.  I don't really drink so I'll be sober enough to drive us back." I nodded at him smiling at the fact that he cares for me so much. I love how he's keeping in mind that my anxiety has been all over the place lately.

Harry didn't change or anything because he was still dressed pretty nice in his navy blazer and jeans. I decided to change into something a little nicer than my jeans and jacket so I went into my closet to look at my options. I decided to change into a tight black skirt and I tucked a white sleeveless collared shirt with black lace on the top into the skirt. I put on a pair of silver, sparkly stilettos and I was ready to go.

I walked out of my closet and looked at Harry. He smiled at me and walked over to me wrapping his strong arms around my waist. "You look perfect" He said leaving kisses on the top of my head. He took my hand and we made our way downstairs. "You and I will drive separately because they'll want to be out really late. They always do." Harry rolled his eyes at his band mates partying ways. "Plus then we can leave whenever you want and we can get you out of this gorgeous outfit." He winked at me and I playfully slapped his arm.

"Harry, My mom's here! What if she would've heard you!?" I laughed

"Well, she would be very disappointed in you." Harry and I were now facing each other and our faces were millimeters apart. Harry leaned in and kissed me. Niall walked up to us and said "Okay are you guys going to fuck in the hallway or are we gonna go PARTAY!?"

"Well, I guess we should leave!" I laughed and Harry led me to his car in the driveway. He and I got in the front and Merida and Niall were in the back. Elizabeth wanted to go in the other car with the rest of the boys so we let her.

"So Cass, are you going to get drunk tonight? I remember when I got drunk for the first time last year on my birhtday."Niall asked as Harry was backing up the car. Harry and I both laughed

"Ni, I've been drunk before! Last summer when I was here, Harry and I snuck out by the pool one night with a bottle of wine and we managed to drink the whole thing and we both got wasted. We were caught though and my mom and dad wanted to kill me. That's why they don't really like Harry!" I laughed remembering that night. Obviously I didn't remember much but I do remember my mom finding me in my room the next morning cuddled up with Harry. She was holding the empty wine bottle when she woke the two of us up and kicked Harry out.

"Well Cass, I thought you were some sweet innocent girl!" Niall joked with me.

I turned on the car radio and "Cruise" by Georgia Florida Line was on and Merida and I looked at eachother instantly and we both started singing every word of the song. Eventually we arrived at the club and we met up with the rest of the boys and Elizabeth. You could hear the bass from the blaring music in the club from where we were about fifty feet from the enterence. I grabbed Harry's hand and he gave me a reassuring squeeze and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me close to him. He kissed the top of my head and we walked up to the guard who was at the enterence. We showed him our ID's and he allowed us to walk through the doors.

"Here goes nothing." I mumbled as we walked into the club filled with people.


Authors Note.

So I will Finish up Cassie's birthday in the next update. It will either be tomorrow or the following day hopefully. Sorry this took me so long to update but I was having serious writers block!

The outfit that Cassie wore to the club is on the right hand side ====>

and for those of you reading on you phones or iPods, I just foud out today that if you tap the middle of the screen and click on the ... By where it will say Chapter 32 or something you can click on the thing that looks like two pictures and you can look at the pictures that I post along with each update! Exciting right? I thought so atleast!

If you have any questions just comment! 

Love you guys! btw 450 reads! Thank you all so much!

Lots of Love,

Meredith <3 *Muah Muah*

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