Chapter 17

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Malia's POV

Standing in front of around 20 people was nerve raking for me. Maybe it was the fact I haven't been around that many people for two years, or the fact that everyone in this room are criminals.

But it was safe to say I was wanting to turn and run off with Stiles close behind. I kept a close eye on the fox who kneeled in front of Peter, who granted him entrance back into the pack. I was happy for him as I felt a smile split across my face but when Peter turned to face me, it vanished.

"This is her?" His voice was hoarse as he looked back to Stiles for confirmation. Quickly he nodded his head and Peter stepped towards me. My heart pounding I stare at the man who I would call my father, he had scars across his face and rough grey hair, a small amount of facial hair rested at his chin. And well... it was safe to say that this man looked pure evil. But I forced myself to smile, and step forward. This is what you wanted Mal ; I tell myself.

"Malia, darling, its been so long." He says before bring me into a tight hug. He smelled strictly of B.O and gun powder. "Stiles thank you, you are forgiven of your crimes against the Wolf Pack." Peter says as he pulls away from the hug. I could see Stiles' eyes shift up to meet his and gives him a quick nod before stepping forward and motioning me to follow.

"Is it alright if I show her around?" He asks and Peter nods, gleaming at me.

"Of course, fox, just don't trick her will ya?"

I watch as Stiles' face pales but he still nods his head and walks away with me at his heels.


We find Lydia sobbing by a picture. Her head down as she holds it to her, I can only make out a wave of black hair from the item.

"Lydia?" I ask and she pulls up, whipping her face of snot and tears.

She forces a broken smile on her face, "Oh Malia you would've loved her, she was so kind and brave." I pause and glance at the photo of a girl with black hair and hazel eyes, her arm thrown around what looked to be a younger Lydia.

"Who?" I asked.

"Her name was Allison." Lydia responded, she turns to see Stiles standing next to me and her graze darkened. "Do you miss her?" She asks, but it comes out sharp.

"Ye-yes! Of course." He sputters, tears now falling from his face. I reach over and go to grab his hand but he pulls it away, quickly Stiles turned and walked away. Leaving me to stare at him as he walks into a nearby room.

"Whats wrong with him?" I ask and Lydia sighed, placing the photo on the ground.

"I was too harsh," She whispered, "Did he ever tell you why he was kicked out of the Wolf Pack?"

"No. He said it wasn't a big deal."

Lydia snorted, "No big deal? He got my best friend killed."


HIs vision was blurred, red was everywhere as she stalked down the hallway.

"Stiles!" It was Allison, he knew that voice. Spinning around he faced the girl who held a bow in hand. "What are you doing? Scott's worried."

"Your boyfriend? Why is he worried about me? He's so consumed with you anyways." He hissed causing Allison to back away.

"They got you too." Her voice was no higher than a whisper as she started to walk away. "Stiles listen to me. You have to fight it."

Stiles laughed, "Fight what? I think I should fight you, Ally."

He pulled the knife he was hiding as he watched Theo step from the shadows, giving him a small nod Stiles lunged forward. Allison called out before turning to run, dropping the bow she held. Slowly, his vision was starting to clear, the horror of what was about to happened settled over him.

Allison was running, and finally he managed to cry out, "Allison wait! Don't run that way!" But it was too late, since she had already tripped over the wire he had set out. She crashed to the ground and the deifying sound of her leg breaking rang and his ear.

He tried to run to her time, but he couldn't move.

He watched Theo smile and raise the sword above her stomach, he watched Allison throw her hands in the air to try and defend herself.

Her cry rang out when the sword connected with her stomach.

Her eyes widened as he broke from his trance and scrambled forward. "Allison!" He sobbed. The girl forced a winced as she groaned in pain, quickly he tried to cover her wound.

"I knew- they were gonna kill me. Shame they used you..." Her head started rolling back before she forced herself back up. "Find it, the drug. They're going to.. they're going to." But her eyes were already glazing over as she let out a shutter breath. Her head falling back onto the ground, the blood leaked from her wound covering his fingers as he glanced up to see Theo walking away slowly. The sword clattering to the ground.

Stiles could hear the screams and cry from behind him, Scott gripping his shoulders.

"Stiles! What's going on!" He screamed but Stiles couldn't think, he was pulling himself into a hole he would never leave. He would never care again.

"He did it!" Theo cried, "He overdose on drugs! I tried to stop him!"

Stiles couldn't open his mouth to defend himself, only stare blankly off as Scott held onto Allison's body.

"How could you." He sobbed, tears streaming down his face as Lydia screamed. But Stiles couldn't see properly.

"He did it." Were the only words that fell from his lips as he pointed to where Theo stood.

But Stiles knew he would never be the same.


I found him sitting on his bed. After the story Lydia told me I didn't know what to say, but I still sat next to him and reached for his hands.

"I didn't kill her." He whispered. "But I did."


"Malia." He glanced away from the wall, and turned to me. "Allison tried to tell my something. But she died before she could finish."

"What are you saying?" I asked as he stood from the bed and glanced down at me.

"What I"m saying it. I need revenge for her."

I stand too, facing him directly as my heartbeat quickened. "What do you mean." He glanced down at his hands before back to me.

"I'm going to kill Theo Raken."

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