Chapter 12

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Scott's POV

I wasn't sure what I was expecting when I walked in, but once I did I found my best friend, shirtless and in bed with Malia who only seemed to be wearing a bra on her top half. Both of them were passed out on the bed, Malia was snuggled into Stiles chest as he had his arm lamely thrown over her. Their legs intwined as soft snores filled the room.

Quietly I place the groceries I had ran out to buy, since the cops weren't searching for me, on the floor. My mind wandered to Stiles

Oh god, after years of no one knowing what the Trickster looked like, it was out now. Stiles Stilinski, the boy said to be dead after the attack of his family. His father had broken, and put the arrest on the Trickster. They said he was the killer and no one knew what he looked like, labeled for the death of 4 people and little did they all know, he was one of the four people.

I would never forget the Sheriffs reaction.


"This... This is our Trickster..." The sheriff whispered, staring down at the photo Kira had taken of Stiles. It was slightly blurry since he was running but there was no mistaking the boy.

"I'm sorry, but yes, your son, Stiles. Is our Trickster." Kira says softly and I shift uncomfortably in my seat. I knew giving away Stiles was stupid, yet I still did it.

A broken noise came from the sheriff, his eyes filling with tears. "I thought he was dead. Now I wish he was dead instead on this."

"He's a killer! Probably has some mental issues if he can just kill 3 people." Kira shouts, slamming a hand on the table. "He's not the son you remember! Your son is dead. What's left is a murder who is harming this town."

The sheriff was silent, he glanced up to meet my eyes. "Scott... Why did you turn him in."

"I wanted to save him." Was the only response I could muster, I felt wrong, disgusted that I had helped bring this hell onto the sheriff.

He only slowly nodded his head before asking "Who's the girl that's with him."

"Malia Hale, killer as well. And I don't like her, but at the moment Stiles is more dangerous. We're guessing the teamed up or something, which is even more terrifying." Kira states crossing her arms and leaning back on her chair as if she was bored.

"Or Stiles has a crush." A small smile flickered up on the mans lips, as if he were re living memories that he had pushed away until now.

"For the sakes of everyone, Stiles is not your son, you catch him." Kira snaps and stands up before storming out. Before I went to follow the sheriff grabbed my wrist, holding me back.

"He was your best friend, Scott. Tell me. Is Stiles still... Stiles?" He asked, his voice quivered and I could see the pain flicker behind his eyes. I paused for a second before responding

"Yes, and I don't think he's the killer everyone thinks he is."

And with that I left.


Malia was the first to wake, rolling away from Stiles with a groan she sat up on the bed. Looking around our eyes met and I cast her a smile.

"Good sleep?" I ask, and Malias eyes fell down to Stiles bare chest.

"Oh! Uh, we didn't.. Oh god no we didn't-" She started, clearly flustered as she waved her hands about in a very Stiles like manner.

"Oh I know." I laughed before she slipped out of bed and grabbed her shirt, pulling it back on. Stiles too rolled over and than fingered me.

"Dude! What was that for?" I gasped pretending to be offended.

"Oh you know buddy." He hissed before following Malia to grab his shirt as well. I watched them both, as I remembered my choice not to tell Stiles that his dad knew. That his dad knows that he isn't dead, that he killed his mother, Donavon's parents. Donavon, oh god, the poor boy. He had declared he would kill the trickster and once he found out it was Stiles well the boy went of the hook.

And by the looks of things, he had the same fate as his parents. Shot by the very person who killed his parents.

"Oh." Was all I said, silently to myself as I glanced up to Stiles who stood there. His eyes were studying me and concern flashed across his face.

"Scott, man, are you alright?" He asked slowly but I forced myself to look him directly in the eyes. Standing taller I nodded my head and started to pack my bags for our next run.


Stiles's POV

I could hear sirens, echoing off the walls as I ripped open the blinds to see cars pull up.

"The hell?" I mutter before making sure both Malia and Scott had grabbed our things, before quietly opening our door and finding the emergency exit. Locked.

Turning around I forced myself to stay calm as I grabbed Malia's hand so I knew she was near me, safe. Scott lingered behind, I could hear his heavy breathing since he wasn't the best at staying calm in moments like these.

"Malia, do you seeing any other way out." I whispered quietly as people started to come out of their rooms to see what the police were doing here. Having everyone know what I looked like put me on edge but I kept my head down, so far no one had recognized us but we had been pushing our luck these past few weeks.

"Pool exit." Suddenly She popped in, pointing her finger at a door hidden by the elevator. Not wasting any time we rushed to it but still tried to make us look causal, swaying by but the moment we got to the door Malia swung it open and pushed both me and Scott out.

I grabbed Malia's hand and pushed her in front of me before running down the stairs as fast as I could force myself to go. Slamming open the other door exiting to outside with my entire body we stumbled free. However the sun had started to fade and the flashing of red and blue walls was terrifying, my heart slamming harder against my rib cage.

Scott started climbing over the fence that would mean we would be free to run into the city behind us. The shaky feeling of relief swept over my body, as I heard Scott grunting to get over the fence. After finally Scott fell to the ground Malia hurried after him, faster than Scott was it seemed we almost made it.


Author Note - Oops, \(*-*)/
Love you guys ;)

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