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"Princess!" Dad cheers, as he's casually leaned back against a sleek black Audi, his hands in the pockets of his pants, the Italian sun beaming brightly upon him. 

"Dad." I mutter, adjusting the sunglasses on my face, clutching my phone in my hand and bag in the other, approaching him.

He pulls me into a hug, clutching onto me, as I wrap my arms around his waist. He pulls away, and plants a peck on my cheek.

"Morning, princess."

"Hey, daddy." My choice of words were seemingly inappropriate in the eyes of Nikolai. 

"Zofía, you and that kinkiness of yours!" Nikolai's voice alerts me, as I glare at him, his tall figure blocking the sun from my gaze. He's wearing a pair of black jeans and a plaid button up, open wide, exposing his black t-shirt.

"I-I don't understand." Dad stutters, completely confused. "What's wrong with my daughter calling me daddy?" 

"Oh pops." Nikolai is in fits of laughter, as he leans on Dad's shoulder, supporting his doubled-over figure. 

I shake my head, threading my fingers through my dark short hair. 

"Are you stupid?" I direct my gaze towards my hazel eyed sibling, glaring at him.

"No, I'm not. I'm a damn professor at Cornell! You're the pea-brained one!" He retorts, childishly.

"I'm a world class surgeon, you dickwad!" I defend myself. 

"Stop bickering and get in the damn car." Dad interjects, as he clenches his jaw, clearly annoyed. 

With a huff, I quickly get in the back seat, as Bastian appears at the hotel entrance, in a pair of slacks, unlike his sweats attire from earlier. He has a pair of Ray Bans concealing his verdant eyes and a hat covering his blond hair.

"Guten Morgen, Bastian." Dad greets him, a smile as fake as plastic smeared on his face. I roll my eyes.

"Guten Morgen, Mr. Monteiro." Bastian smiles hesitantly, clearly afraid that Dad will deck him in the face, he shakes his hand.  Dad responds by aggressively patting Bastian's shoulder.

"Hallo, Liebe." Bastian gets in the car, settling next to me, planting a peck on my lips.

"Watch it with the PDA, lover boy." Nikolai warns, eying Bastian up and down. 

"Nikolai." I warn, shooting him a glare. 

Dad and Nikolai both get in the car. 

"Everyone ready?" Dad questions, as we all nod our heads in response. He starts the car, as the engine roars to life, and he speeds off, into the Italian countryside. 



We were seated on a balcony overlooking  the  Italian countryside. I have a wine glass full to the rim, with vino bianco. 

"This is absolutely beautiful." Nikolai speaks up, before taking a sip of his red wine. 

We all silently nod our heads in agreement. 

The view of the Tuscany countryside is marvelous. Fields of grapes stretch on for miles, and there are a beautifully built and designed wineries everywhere. 

"Bastian, Zof, when are you guys heading back to Munich?" Dad questions, leaning back in his chair, holding the wine glass lightly. 

"We leave tonight." Bastian answers for me, taking a hold of my hand.

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