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"I want to go play for Manchester United." He grasps onto my hands from across the glass table, his verdant eyes searching my own honey ones. 

"Why? Isn't your life at Bayern?"

"I feel as if it's time for change now."

"It's not as if I can just go to the United Kingdom and open up a children's hospital, Bastian." I roll my eyes, as sarcasm drips through my every word. 

"I know your career is just as important as mine." He speaks up quickly. 

"I might as well just go back to America. Johns Hopkins and Cleveland Clinic have offered me positions."

"B-but... it's America." His eyebrows furrow in confusion, as his eyes seek my own, desperately looking for an answer.

"My home, yes." 

"If I do go to Manchester, I want it to be the last club that I ever play with." 

"The football world is going to lose a legend then." I  let out a sad smile. 

"And I want you there with me, every step of the way."

"You know that can't happen, Bastian."

"I know. Maybe after all of this, we can finally be together in peace."

"Maybe." I  whisper, looking down at our entangled hands. 

"What do you think? Should I leave Bayern and go to Manchester?" He inquires, desperate for some sort of validation. 

"It's not my decision to make, and whichever decision you make, I fully support you. But I can't go with you." 

"I want you to remember, you'll always be first in my life." 

"Of course."

"I love you with all my heart." 

"I love you too, Bastian."


"I just signed a three year contract with Manchester United."

"I'm happy for you Bastian." 

"I'm sorry it had to be like this, Zofía." 

"I'm sorry too. But I can't just give up my profession to go be some sort of trophy girlfriend."

"Is that what you think you would be?"

"I mean, that's what they all are." I let out a dry chuckle, recalling the wives and girlfriends of his teammates, always wearing designer clothes, always present at every single one of their significant other's games, sporting their jerseys. 

"Just three more years, we can make it."

"I'm moving to New York. My father offered me a position at New York Presbyterian."

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