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"Honestly, Basti." I sigh. "I don't want to go to your game. Well I do, but I don't."

"Why not?" He questions as he takes a hold of my hand, from across my desk.

"Because, that will mean that we're like...official." I shrug and look away, retreating my hand from his grasp. "When we're not even a we."

He laughs. "One step at a time, mein Kätzchen."

"Why do you like me?" I look into his green eyes. They are literally so dreamy, I can't even.

"You're amazing, Kätzchen. That's all really. And I love you."

"I haven't even let you kiss me. And you don't love me, that's just your impulse."  I speak quietly. "So no... I won't go to your game." I shake my head. " I don't consider you to be my boyfriend, Bastian. We are not together."

I just don't feel "love". It's there, but it's not.

"You've hurt my soul with that confession, mein Kätzchen." He clutches his chest, in fake agony.

He simply won't give up.

"I just feel like this... totally non-existent relationship is too rushed."

"So?" He smiles. "I love you."

"Rushing into things also gets you dating a guy who says to be a lawyer and is actually a drug dealer." I reply. "You don't love me. You've only known me for six months!"

"And I guess, this is where I leave. Right?" He states.

"How long did it take you to love Sarah?"


"How long did it take you to love Sarah?"

"Two years." He continues. "I loved her after two years."

"Yet you've only known me for six months and you already love me." I pause. "The heart has-" Bastian cuts me off.

"Ja, Ja. The heart has no emotion." He stands up from the chair abruptly. "But meine heart has emotion, Zofía, it has emotion! Just because you've had problems with people all your life, and you've lacked affection doesn't mean that all love is pathetic!" He exclaims angrily, grasping onto the glossy white chair.

"You're being ridiculous." I state calmly. "If you love me, leave."

"No. I'm not leaving." He crosses his arms. I've never seen him this angry. Not that I know of- of course.

"Get out, Bastian." I warn, my temper slowly creeping up. "I am going to call security."

"I'm not leaving, Zofía!" He yells. "Ficken Scheiße!"

"I said to get the hell out!" I exclaim, standing up, flinging the closet object within my reach. My keyboard.

"Get out!" I continue throwing objects at him. A coffee mug, my stethoscope and a model heart.

"Calm down, mein Kätzchen. Calm down." Bastian, who now has a cut under his eye, tries to soothe me, as a pool of crimson forms under his eye and trails down his defined cheekbone.

"I won't calm down until you get out." I reply, taking a deep breath. "Please, just leave."

"Fine." He starts heading out. "I still love you, mein Kätzchen."

With that he leaves. Not another word.

"Meu Deus." I mumble and stare at the mess I've made, resting my hands firmly on my head.

What have I done...

I've made a mess of everything. Absolutely everything. He loves me and I've seemed to have drawn him away. And I  injured him. I'm the spawn of satan. And all Bastian wanted to do was love me. I hurt him.

And now's when I realized that Bastian is the only one that can fix me. He can fix me. Bastian Schweinsteiger is the only that can make me love.


Hello lovelies,

So Zofía is bipolar af.

This chapter is pretty short and I'll update Chapter Five in a few hours. What do you guys think? Is Zofía being an absolute imbecile?

Thanks for reading and please VOTE.

Eleanor. Xxx

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