Chapter Three: I'll Never Let You Down

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*Ashley's POV*

I can't believe it! I'm kissing him, I'm kissing Andy! His lips against mine are so soft and gentle, yet so full of passion and desire. His lips mould against mine, the shapes fitting perfectly together, like it was meant to be. My hands found his hair and pulled him closer, his arms around my waist. He pulled him tight to me. I didn't know what I was doing, this was wrong, it shouldn't be happening, but it was, and I didn't want it to stop. I licked his bottom lip, asking for entry. He allowed and our tongues wrestled for dominance, and I let him win. His tongue moving around my mouth, tasting me. Never had I imagined I would be kissing Andy, but now that it happened, I couldn't imagine anything else. We fit perfectly against each other, like two pieces of a puzzle. His hands roamed down to my hips and he pulled me against him, grinding against me. I could feel myself growing hard, and from the cheeky chuckle, he could feel it too!

Andy pushed me over so he was now lying on top of me, kissing me full on. He grabbed at the hem of my shirt, pulling at it, trying to get it off. I froze and sat up, pushing him off. He sat on the sofa, looking at me confused. "What?" he asked, looking pouty. I almost grabbed him and pulled him back, but I knew I shouldn't. I needed to work out how I felt. 

"I'm sorry, it's just. This is all so new to me. I don't understand." I looked awkwardly at him. He nodded in agreement, biting his lip ring. He looks so cute! I couldn't help it, everything about him was so perfect.

"Well, what do you want to understand?" When he phrased it like that, I realized how stupid my thoughts were.

"I guess, it's just. I mean, I'm not gay. Or at least, I didn't think I was. It doesn't make sense to me, it's all so new. And I feel like this is just one of those things that will be regretted, that you'll regret. And what would the others think, I mean-" he pressed a finger to my lips, silencing me. 

"Ash, don't worry about what they think. It doesn't matter. And I would never regret it. I've been having...feelings...for you for quite a while now. I know this is weird, it's as new to me as it is to you. But I know that whatever it is, I love it." Something about the words he said and the way he said them, I knew they were true, I knew he really did care about me, more than I'd ever hoped.

Then, as I thought about it, I realized: I loved him. I really did. I'd fallen in love with my best friend, and it was the most amazing feeling ever. Even just being near him made me feel so much more loved, so much more special, than any of the sluts I'd ever slept with. Every second I spent with him felt more amazing than the last. There and then, I realized, I really did love him. I, Ashley Purdy, am in love with Andrew Dennis Biersack, and to hell with anyone who doesn't like that!

"Andy, I'm sorry if this is too soon but, I love you." I spoke the words, and as they left my mouth I realized they were the most meaningful and important words I'd ever spoken. Andy smiled widely at me and pulled me onto his lap, stroking my hair. He leaned down and pecked me lightly on the lips, sensations rushing through my body, all I wanted was him.

He pulled away and looked at me, his crystal blue eyes staring deeply into my boring brown ones, a smile lighting up his already perfect face and he said the words "I love you, too."

Title: Lyrics from Black Veil Brides - Let You Down

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