Chapter Eleven: Your Lips Have Buried Me

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*Andy's POV*

I sat on the sofa, staring at the credits screen. I'd been watching Batman and couldn't be bothered to hunt for the remote and change channels. Ashley had gone out with the rest of the guys for an hour or so just to check out the local area, but I'd rather stay inside. Just as the thoughts of Ashley crossed my mind I heard the hotel door click open and looked up to see Ashes stood there.

"Hey baby, I missed you." I practically purred at him. A huge grin spread across his face as he came over and sat beside me on the sofa. I snuggled into his warm arms.

"You could've come with..." he teased. I just smiled and cuddled closer to him. There really was no place like Ashley's arms. I sat back a bit and looked into his eyes, then leaned forward to peck him on the lips. As I pulled away to look into his gorgeous honey brown eyes, he grabbed my hair with one hand and crashed his lips into mine. He was rough, but I was rougher. My hands made their way to his arse, giving it a quick squeeze and causing him to gasp. This meant his mouth was opened just enough for me to slip my tongue in. He tasted amazing. Every time we kissed it always amazed me how every aspect of him was perfect.

His hand - which was previously pressed against my chest - slid down my front to the hem of my shirt and started pulled at it so I stretched my arms above my head to make it easier. Lucky for me, Ashley was already shirtless; I swear that adonis of a man was always shirtless...not that I was complaining! His hand, however, quickly distracted me from my thoughts. It had moved even further down my body and was now rubbing my rapidly hardening member.

A moan escaped my mouth as he palmed me and I felt his excitement press against me. I remembered him saying he liked my moans. Well, that much was pretty clear. And I couldn't deny that the feel of his hardness pressing against my thigh was a major turn on.

The kiss deepened, more passionate and more hungry. I hurriedly started unbuckling his pants, he caught on and climbed out of them as I did the same. Soon we were both lying there in just our boxers. I trailed my finger across his stomach, tracing his 'outlaw' tattoo, and down to his boxer line. Slowly, I slid a finger inside, teasing him. He moaned loudly and breathed the words "you little tease!" as I pulled my hand away. Giving him a wink, I reach back and started palming him through his boxers. He started bucking his hips and moaning louder.

"Fuck, Andy! Stop it, you little tease, I can't take this!" he exclaimed and rolled us over so he was on top of me.

"Now, Ashes, calm down," I gave him a little smirk "besides there's a perfectly good bed in the next room." I bit my lip and he grabbed my hand, pulled me into the main bedroom and then turned around and pushed me backwards onto the bed. He climbed on top of me and sat just below my crotch area. He started kissing my neck and I moaned as he found my sweet spot. His kisses started heading downwards until he reached my boxers. With a swift movement he pulled them off and I found myself blushing at his...impressed?...look.

He slowly took me into his mouth, licking and teasing the tip at first. I bucked my hips and practically shoved my cock down his throat, but it didn't deter him and he took it all in. He started moving then, his head bobbing backwards and forwards as he sucked me, his tongue teasing me. "Oh, Ash, I'm going to come!"

He pulled away. "Not just yet." He slid his own boxers off and his erection sprang forth. Then, he reached out and started spreading my legs. I gasped as realization hit me: he was going to put surely couldn't fit!! He saw the scared look on my face. "Hey, shh, if you're not ready that's OK, I understand-"

"No!" I cut him off, "I want this just, be gentle?" I sounded like such a pussy.

"Of course." He gave me a reassuring smile and I felt more relaxed. That lasted only a few seconds and I felt myself tense as he began to enter. Very slowly, making sure not to hurt me. A few tears escaped; the pain was immense. We stayed like that a few moments until suddenly the pain was replaced by pleasure. The greatest pleasure I'd ever felt! I nodded and Ashley started moving, slowly at first but picking up pace. Then he hit my prostate. I moaned out, screaming his name and bucking my hips. He hit again, this time harder, and I cried out again.

"Fuck! Ashley, oh my God!" This was incredible, I felt my climax building as he continued thrust into me, sending thrill thought my body, every fibre of my being was alight with pure, concentrated pleasure. "Ashley, baby, I'm gonna come!" I cried out.

"Me too, baby, me too!" I felt him release in me at the same time I hit climax, coming all over our stomachs. He pulled out and lay beside me, wrapping his arms round me as I cuddled into him. "I love you, Andy." he mumbled into my ear.

"I love you too" I whispered as I fell into dreamland. And I really meant it...

Title: Lyrics from Black Veil Brides - Love Isn't Always Fair

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