Chapter Nineteen: These Walls Begin To Cave In

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*Ashley's POV*

"Now, are we busting out of here or farting around until we get caught..." It wasn't a question, Ben knew exactly what we'd all choose, and so I stepped closer to the gap, James and Andy slowly shuffling forwards behind me. Ben stepped aside and stretched his arm, pointing to it and signalling us to pass. There was a few seconds of awkwardness, no-one willing to risk it, no-one wanting to go first, before I got frustrated by the tension and stepped forward, up over the (very slippery and disgusting smelling) toilet and out of the door. I stood there for a few seconds, marvelling at my surroundings. Never had I been so overwhelmed by the feel of a cold breeze, the scent of fresh air or the sounds of cars whizzing past. Wait, cars whizzing past? Sure, they sounded very distant, but I figured we'd be miles away from any form of society. Not that I was complaining...

Directly in front of me, for as far as I could see was concrete. No buildings, no trees, no civilization, just one long expanse of concrete ground, an almost empty sky, except a few, thin clouds, and concrete. I hadn't exactly expected a stunning Caribbean Island or something, but I had presumed we were somewhere just a little more interesting that the most mediocre, industrial space of land that ever existed. Not that I was going to complain, I was just relieved to get out of there. Beyond relieved, even, I was ecstatic!

That was a part of my mind that kept telling me you're just imagining it. But even at it's most creative, my mind could not have so perfectly depicted and created the feel of the cold air against my skin, blowing my hair backwards, the feel of firm, solid and safe ground beneath my feet, the scents of, well, nature was the only way to describe it. I was finally free from the torture and torment created by the twisted and revenge filled mind of Jonathan, and boy did it feel good!

"Ashes?" A weak an hesitant voice called, before Andy slowly poked his head out of the hole, a smile spreading across his face as he took in the scene before him. He hurriedly climbed out and ran into my arms. I pulled him tight to me; so tight I was worried I hurt him, but I never wanted to let go. He pulled away slightly, then crashed his lips against mine and engaging me into a desperate and passion filled kiss. A small cough from James finally pulled us apart, causing a small giggle to escape Andy's lips. I loved when he giggled, it was so cute and innocent.

~Time Laps: 4.5 hours~

"Yes! Fucking civilization, mate!" James exclaimed, rushing ahead of the group and towards the busy streets before us. I chuckled and Ben smiled, watching on almost like a concerned parent watching they're child run off on an adventure in a unfamiliar place. We'd been walking for what felt like forever, and my feet were tired and worn. All I wanted was to lie down with Andy in my arms and forget everything that has happened so far.

Ben had managed to navigate us back from the small glimpses of what he could remember seeing. He was the only one who had ever been back and forward with Jonathan out of our group, and even then wasn't permitted to see much. But we'd done it, we'd made it out alive and everything was going to be OK. After days of being locked up, hours of walking and what felt like an eternity of lost hope, we had finally made it home.

We eventually found a taxi service and ordered a cab to take us back to where our tour bus had last been parked. We'd told James and Ben they could stay with us, and they had gratefully accepted. The main issue would come with explaining everything that had happened to the guys. I mean, would they really believe us?!

Although the ride home was only half an hour, it felt much longer. I was lost in my thought, trying to decide how best to recall the events without sounding insane; it was impossible! So when the cab finally pulled up near the bus, and we walked the final few footsteps towards our home, my heart was racing at a hundred miles an hour. This all felt like a weird dream, I couldn't believe it myself and I'd actually lived it! Andy took a deep breath, closed his eyes, reopened them and then knocked on the door. We waited. One minute. Then two. Then three. Andy knocked again.

"Alright! For fucks sake, I'm coming!" A gruff voice shouted from inside bus, followed by a tump, some footsteps and then suddenly the door was practically thrown open. "What do you-oh!" CC was stood there, staring at us as if he'd seen a ghost. He blinked twice before it hit him, and he pulled us into his arms. "Oh my God, guys! I can't believe it! JAKE! JINXX! GET IN HERE!" I could barely breath but I didn't care, we were finally back where we belong.

"Who's that?" Jinxx asked, motioning to Ben and James.

"You guys have a LOT of explaining to do!" CC exclaimed, pulling away from me and Andy. He was right though, and this was going to be a long night...

Title: Lyrics from Bring Me The Horizon - House Of Wolves 

GUYS I AM SO SORRY LIKE FOREVER OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S BEEN THIS LONG WOW!! OK, yeah seriously, I'm so sorry that took so long to update, I've just been busy with school and everything...Anyway, I know that's no excuse, and I PROMISE to update more regularly! I love you guys so much, every read matters, so thank you!!<3

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