Chapter Sixteen: There Is A Heaven, Let's Keep It A Secret

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*Ashley's POV*

I don't know how long we'd been here for. Two, maybe three days? It felt like forever. Every night I would cry myself to sleep in Andy's arms, every day the chances of this all being over soon faded further away. I wanted to escape, we both did. The question was, how? Neither of us knew much about this place, so an escape would be mostly guesswork. As if that wasn't bad enough, we were barely fed enough and it is so hard to fall asleep when all you can see is an eternity of this Hell. And when I would finally get to sleep it would be very short and very light. I don't even think Andy slept at all.

We didn't really speak, what was there to say? We would just sit together, in each others arms or laps or cuddled on a bunk. Just thinking. Thinking about anything, everything and nothing. Even the most simple of things began to seem immensely interesting. A little bug crawling up a wall, a piece of fabric that was fraying. That was the worst part about this, you just felt...numb. The whole time. No pain, no hurt, nothing. At least pain would have been a sign I was still alive, something I was doubting more and more as each hour passed.

I often resorted to humming. Even in a situation like this, there was something soothing about music, a tune, a rhythm. Sometimes I would hum our songs, sometimes other peoples, sometimes just random made-up tunes. I didn't care, it was just something to do. Every once in a while, I would also hear Andy quietly singing to himself. Mostly I could tell what he was singing, but sometimes the songs were not familiar. So I lay there quietly humming to myself.

Unfortunately it seemed that in a place like this, you very quickly lost your patience. Even someone you loved spending time with annoyed you. And currently Andy's continuous tapping of his fingers against the wall wound me up. Mainly because the tapping was totally out of tune with my humming. I knew it was stupid and normally I wouldn't care, but for some reason today I found it really wound me up.

"Can you please stop that?" I asked. They were the first words spoken in days, and they weren't exactly complimentary. I turned my head to see Andy looking at me. "Sorry." I mumbled and looked back away. The humming and tapping continued, and then I noticed the sound of someone picking at something. It was easy to ignore at first, but it wouldn't stop. Sighing, I got up and moved next to Andy, sitting cross-legged beside him, watching as he peeled paint and plaster off of the wall. It seemed like a strange thing to do, but it kept him entertained. Absentmindedly, I found myself joining in and soon we'd cleared away a huge section of the wall covering.

"Do you think..." he trailed off, tapping at the wall with his knuckles.

"Do I think what?" I inquired.

"That this wall, we could, I don't know. Take it apart, almost?" His blue eyes were looking at me, analysing me. I could feel his gaze on me as he waited for a response.

"I don't know..." I muttered, then continued picking at the wall. It wasn't long before I found myself picking at the cement, seeing if the bricks would crumble. Nothing. I was just beginning to give up when I heard the door knob twist and open. In a flash Andy and I had turned around and leant against the wall, hiding the damage we'd just done.

"Bruce. Cassells." Andy stated, sounding almost emotionless. He always sounded like this nowadays. The two men stepped forward closing the door behind them, looking awkwardly around then sitting on the floor, facing us.

"Firstly, please don't call us that." Began Bruce. "My name is Ben, nothing else. And this is James" he pointed to Cassells. I cocked an eyebrow towards them.

Cassells - Sorry, James - interjected. "Now, I'm sure you're confused as to why we're here, so we're just going to keep it simple. We want no part in Jonathans dealings. None. We're not here willingly."

"Why are you telling us this?" Andy snapped and James flinched.

"Because you need to understand." Responded Ben, sounding totally calm.

"Understand what..." I was getting worried now, what were they going to do?

"You need to understand that you can trust us, and... and we're going to help you get out of this shithole."

Title: Lyrics from Bring Me The Horizon - Crucify Me

Hope you guys enjoy, sorry it's short!

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