Common Route 1

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Hey! Like my last story, this starts off slow. Please bare with the common chapters so you can get some back story for the other chapters! There will be twists, strong language, sensitive issues, and lots of yelling... You yelling. I promise you will get mad at me for ending the chapters on a cliffhanger and making the scenes so emotional that you will pull all-nighters. In order for this to happen, read the common, choose a character, and enjoy the ride. Thanks.


The clouds are a beautiful thing. They can be big, or small. Wispy, or strong.

They tell stories of the past, present, and future to anyone that will just look up, and listen.

Science says it's because of water, I think it is a greater force. What that force is... I'm not so sure.


"What shape is that?" Emilia asks me, giggling. She has been my friend since preschool all the way up to middle school. She is always laughing and having fun, whether that's because she's just naturally like that or because of me is unknown, although I'd prefer if it was me. I'm envious of her in that way, because she always finds a way to laugh, although bad things seem to find her. Her family lost their house when we were six, her mom was diagnosed with cancer at 8, when were celebrating Emilia's birthday at the age of 10, all of her family members came to the party, but all died on the plane going home. Finally when we were 11, her mom died from chemotherapy.

"Blue" I say nonchalantly. Her head instantly turns to me with gleaming eyes. Oh how I would give anything to be in her shoes though, even if her life is hell. My family has money, a lot in fact. They haven't lived with me since I was old enough to talk. They travel all over the world and barely send anything to me, besides money transferred into my bank account, controlled by my accountant and nanny. Speaking of my nanny, she's a part-time prostitute that does 'business' in my house because she knows she can't get in trouble. I'm just waiting for the moment she realizes that she could sell me. Strange men come to my room at night all the time when they already had their way with my nanny, lady S for Slut. I never let anything happen, but I always get hurt for fighting back.

"That's not a shape!" She yells at me, trying to be serious but laughing at the same time. Her way of laughing preserves her innocence to this world, and I love that about her. Unlike her, I have no feelings. Nothing.

"It won't be when people like you try to oppress it." I say back, completely straight-faced. Emilia rolls her eyes and sits up from the grassy patch we were laying on, continuing to stare at the sky. It was around 7:00 and her dad would start to get worried soon, so we packed up our blankets and bags of food and left. We walk the same path everyday: home, school, park, home, repeat. We live a neighborhood apart, so it's convenient to be friends. Huh. Convenient. My parents are definitely rubbing off on me, only caring about themselves.

            When we reach her house, her dad opens the door immediately to greet us as the smell of dinner swarms outside and into our noses. He is a tall man, very tall. He always wears a suit because he says, "My job requires us to look our best at all times, and I'll be ready to come in at a moments notice." The deal I have with his family is that I can come over and eat with them anytime I want to, as long as I bake them cookies afterwards. Baking is one of my favorite things to do, since I have more alone time than anyone else.

"Good afternoon Mr. J, what's on the menu for today?" I say as I walk into the house, not turning around to wait for him to stop hugging his daughter. They have such a sweet relationship, and I hate that. Not that I don't like it, but I hate that I will never have that with anyone, not my father, my mother, my family, or with a guy in general. Guys are nasty creatures, at least that's what my nanny says every time she talks to me. By the looks of it too, she's right. They take advantage of her, string her along, and then go after the next best thing. I promised myself that I will defend myself from any guy trying to get my heart, because it is just easier for them to crush it when they do.

"Food" He says with a smirk. I love him. He always plays around, but I hate it when he plays with food.

"What type of food?" I say back.

"Good food." he replies.

"Which is...?"

"The kind you like." He smiles at me. I'm so done. I go over to the kitchen table and wait for him to serve us. After a long conversation about our last year of middle school and why we should start getting jobs in order to pay for college, I have to leave to go home. I say bye to the two and walk down a block to get to my house. I hate it here. Emilia is the only person I have that shines through this rotten place. I wish that I can just sleep, and never wake up. But right now, all I need to do is go to sleep.

**Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz**

"Ugh who the heck is calling me at a time like this!?" I hiss angrily at my phone. It's 3:00am and I answer my cell.

"Hello?" I say groggily.

"Y/N! Has Emilia called you or texted you any?" Mr. J says in a rushed tone.

"Uh, no. It's kind of late. Isn't she with you?"

"I left for work a little while after you left. She just now called me, screaming something that I couldn't understand." He says hurriedly.

"Look, I'm heading back to the house now, and I'll call you letting you know she's fine, she probably just had another nightmare or something."

"Okay, just text me if she's fine, I have an exam tomorrow and I have to be ready for it." I say back, yawning. Nothing bad could be happening to Emilia, only the people around her, I'm not worried. This is a bad thought, but that's just me. Bad.

          A while after I go to sleep, I receive a text. Knowing that a text means that she is fine, I don't check it and remain in a sleeping state. Little did I know that that text would be the end of my only happiness.


Hey guys! I'm back with another story! I wasn't sure on who to write next after 'Broken', but I have decided that this story will have...... EVERYONE! It will be a 'choose your fate' kind of thing. Not sure what I mean? Come along with me on this journey and see what I mean!

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