Zero Route 4

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This is it. Today is the day I have to marry Zero.

Such conflicting feelings I have... Do I like him? Is this a weird Stockholm syndrome I have? Should I have run away with Slender or did I make the right choice to stay here? Does Zero actually care for me, or is it just another façade?

A maid is helping me get into my wedding dress and another is fixing my hair. Once I was ready, I was told to go straight to a certain hallway but instead lock myself in the closet. My aura is coming back again. This is the worst possible time ever to get sick and angry!

I crouch near a corner in this dark closet and close my eyes shut tight, hoping that I can calm myself down for at least a few moments. Zero is expecting me soon and I must not keep him waiting. As if right on cue, I hear a maid with her heels clicking toward the closet and the door opening. A flash of light surrounds me before darkness consumes the room once more. The clicking of heels leaves my room and shuts the door.

"What's wrong?" Zero speaks up from above me. The maid must have went out and got him and led him in here.

"My aura again. Ugh I wish there was a way just to get rid of it permanently!" I start to yell through clenched teeth.

"But if you didn't have your aura, you wouldn't be with me." He says, his voice coming closer to me. I open my eyes and lift my head up to try to see him in this darkness, but can't. He might be able to see perfectly though.

I stay silent to his comment and bring my knees closer to my chest. An arm wraps around me and pulls me into a warm chest. I feel my aura getting more agitated by the second and I clench my fists together, not wanting to lash out at Zero.

"You know, Midnight has told me multiple times that I can take your aura from you and make you sane longer. I'm not exactly sure how to do that, but we can figure that out together." He says while bringing me closer to him.

He plants a small kiss on my cheek and gets up from his spot, leaving me alone again on the ground. His hand finds mine and pulls me up and out of the closet, leading us to the door leaving my bedroom. For some reason, I don't feel as bad anymore. Is it possible that the kiss he gave me took it away?

The wedding took almost the whole day with every aspect planned out in detail by Zero himself and a few of his consultants. It was a little weird and the ceremony consisted of us having to drink "the blood of our enemies" but whatever.

We had to wait until everyone had left the mansion before we could leave the party room, so that we weren't rude to our guests. Once the last person left, Zero took me into his arms and went straight into my room. I thought that he was planning to do the usual thing that happens on wedding nights... but he just told me to get changed into something comfortable. I comply and go into my closet, picking out a simple grey dress that brushes my knees. I walk out and meet up with him standing by my door in the hallway. He takes my hand in his and leads me in front of his door and pauses.

"Y/N," he addresses me slowly, "you don't know much about this kingdom, but I will teach you everything. The first thing is that every male's bedroom is the most private room in the house. No one is allowed in their rooms without explicit permission, not even maids and butlers are allowed in. This is no exception with my room."

"So, I'm not allowed in?" I question him.

"No. You will be the very first person allowed to enter." He says, staring into my eyes. "Thing is, you won't be allowed to leave until the sun rises."

"Another force field in this damn house, huh?" I say sarcastically and roll my eyes. He laughs at my statement and turns the knob. "My dad sure picks 'em." He says, referring to me. I 'tch' at his comment and enter the rather large and lavish room.

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